17 | Lonely

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Seventeen | Lonely

Yoongi laid on the quilt they set on the dirt as he nuzzled himself into the thick sweater his brother, Namjoon, gave him so he would rest. He was not yet asleep, just staring into space as he lingered in his thoughts.

What had taken him to this point? How does one go back?

How did he lose everything so quickly?

He reached a finger out of the warm sweater and pressed the pad of his pointer on the moist and cool ground, drawing a small figure along with a bigger one. Thinking about his dad, how badly he wanted to be held by him, how badly he wanted to cry to him about a certain boy and how terribly he acted upon the argument. He wanted the scolding, then the hug, and the 'it's okay, baby.'.

He hadn't realized he had tears rushing down from the bridge of his nose as he laid sideways, but then again, he never realized anything. The hurt he causes, only the hurt he feels. He then thinks about how selfish he is, but he likes it. Being selfish, having things to himself, to control, to hate, to want.

Looking off, he sits up. Eyeing the dawn that was setting up as the stars where traveling back into space, playing until once again they'd be call back to shine. He frowns, he felt as if everyone was against him. Rightfully so, but yet he wanted to be angry himself.

But, instead, he felt angry at himself.

He wanted to turn to anything, he wanted to talk to one of them. He annoyed everyone though, he saw the eye rolls they gave him. The only one who would be willing is Jimin, because he has the big heart Yoongi has always wanted.

You cannot have a big heart by wishing for it, you can only grow with it.

Was this really the turnout? At moments, it felt like it was the only chapter of his life left, that he was stuck in this, and in a way, he was. He wasn't getting his dad back, and he wasn't getting the heart he wanted.

He felt as if he should push himself off the nearest cliff.

His intrusive thoughts where interrupted when he heard the sudden clopping of many horses and a man shout "there they are!".

Yoongi looked up with big eyes, today is the day they where to get up and move again, to travel to MD, and he was sure those men saw them. The omega was in awe as he stared fearfully at the approaching men before he was grabbed by his forearm, he lets out a cry before being shushed by Hoseok, dragged behind a tree.

Yoongi looks at him with teary eyes. "W-what's happening?"

"Soldiers. From Quilt-Jui. They spotted Jungkook." Hoseok says softly before Yoongi gets up, but instead was pulled down by the alpha again. "Do not, if they take him then we can peacefully go to Maryland to bring back maesters, and to wait for the fever to pass. Remember?"

Yoongi nods, looking back with big eyes. Watching as they punch Seokjin and Namjoon who fight to grab back Jungkook, the omega crying loudly, never had Yoongi even thought he'd see Jungkook cry. Not this hard.

"Off of me, dog!" One of the soldier shouts at Namjoon as he pulls the gun out, Jungkook cried, "Get off of him, Joon. Please, please."

Namjoon shook his head, ready to pounce on him as Seokjin readies himself. "We must take these hounds aswell." One of the soldiers whisper, preparing to shoot at the alphas feet to disable them for a much quicker kill. Though, they never managed before Jungkook grabs the throat of the soldier and slams the blade he carried into his adams apple, dragging it across his nape, before the other soldier pulls him away, grabbing Jungkook tightly as the knife drops out of his tight grip, he whips the horse and off it carried the prince of Quilt-Jui.

Namjoon shouts, "Jungkook!" He says, tearfully. Seokjin pants, patting his jeans. "Fuck, fuck." The younger alpha cries. He shook his head, landing a kick on the freshly killed soldier before throwing himself onto the horse. "Come on. We must save him, they will kill him."

"I have been meaning to see my wife." Seokjin hums, jumping onto the horse aswell as Namjoon kicked it, following Jungkook.

Hoseok watched the scene calm down as he held a sobbing Yoongi, the omega startled by seeing the soldiers eyes roll back, seeing the life wash out of him. The alpha tried calming him down, nothing. It was okay though, they could wait. It was better. He looks off with a pant as he saw Jimin scurry to them, hands free which became an unusual sight. He looks at them, "Come over here, incase they come back to search, the soldiers." The omega says softly.

Hoseok gets up, holding Yoongi as the omega shook. Sighing, he walks himself and the omega torwards the couple. They approached the more wooded area as he saw Taehyung calming down Jihoo, who was crying his eyes out as he was held tightly in the mouth during the commotion.

"calm down, baby." Taehyung cooed as Jihoo cries, squealing. The alpha frowns, he must've hurt his baby's gums. "Don't cry, baby. Daddy is sorry."

"Daddy?" Hoseok smiles, Taehyung looks up at him with a sad smile. "s'want Jihoo to have the dad we never did."

Hoseok chuckles sadly, looking down at the small pup as he wiggled around. Currently, his blue jammy top was being dried in the heat after Jimin washed it. Taehyung was afraid of that decision because of mosquitoes but he could just wrap Jihoo in a blanket. That was an easy solution...right?

Not unless your baby is sensitive and cried when it got too hot or cold.

"What's wrong, Yoongi?" Jimin asks sadly, seeing the omegas shaky figure and red eyes. Hoseok looks at him, attempting to see if he'd atleast tell the omega instead of keeping to himself. Yoongi shrugs, sitting down next to Hoseok and Taehyung.

"...well, now it's just the four of us." Hoseok said softly. "I hope we get to see them again."

"We will." Jimin assures sadly, and Yoongi sighs, getting up. "I'm going back to sleep."

"20 minutes, we can't stay in this spot longer." Hoseok tells the omega who walked to the quilt Jimin and Taehyung shared, since his was long forgotten.

Another person who left him, his brothers.

He was about to drop his tears silently before he felt a tap on his bum, he was about to shout at any one of them before he saw the horse that was originally with them when they had the carriage.

Smiling, he reached up and pets the horses head and brushes his fingers through her mane.

Someone who has stayed.

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