his clothes, armor, and weapon's

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Clothes: He prefers wearing a white tunic jacket with a hood and fur around the collar of his coat along with a long-sleeved black shirt underneath. He also wears black pants, a beige belt with a silver buckle, a grey and black tunica, and black and grey shin-high boots, and grey and black elbow-length gloves. All his clothes are made with Gambeson that is very resistant to all elements and has a red and white outline surcoat over his armor, and a special gem necklace from his mother, one of his most prized possessions he wears with him whenever possible, and when magically enhanced, it can act and be as strong as most regular armor made of rare materials, and give off enough divinity to make the person "have 1/3rd divinity", in a god's words, proving how much power it holds

Armor: he has a body armor that covers the upper part of his chest and back leaving his stomach and lower back exposed to give him maneuverability, shoulder pads, knee pads, elbow pads, and he has a Tasset along with combat Gauntlets and Greaves that act as a shield from attacks and increase his hand to hand capability, both with the ability to conduct magic when absorbing magic and are able to increase his hand to hand, and a headpiece that is made to give light protection to his head, the armor is not to light, but it gives good maneuverability to the wearer, and when he needs to, he can also enhance his armor to become much stronger, his breastplate becomes fused with the armor of Achilles, the Golden Coat of Chainmail, and the Armour of Beowulf, this makes him able to perform with better physical and magical strength in every field, the headguard than changes to a proper helmet with gems in them like a crown and is fused with the Helm of Awe, Cap of invisibility, and the Goswhit, this helps him be able to see others status and their strengths and weaknesses as well, making him able to make the best decisions in a fight, his gauntlets and gloves become similar to that of the Járngreipr, the armor of Achilles, and the pelt of the Nemean Lion, making his hand and claw strike's triple the impact while sending shockwaves through enemies, the greaves and boot's become the combination of the Shoes of Víðarr, Talaria, and the boot's of Atalanta, these not only allow him to fly and have him able to scale walls, he is able to increase his speed and kicking power, the tasset was the combination of the Megingjörð, Girdle of Hippolyta, and the Green Armour, this helps increase his balance and center of gravity to make him be able to always land on his feet, his shirt and pants become composed of the Shirt of Nessus, Ragnar's enchanted shirt, and Mantle of Arthur, this helps increase his protection from weak points in his armor and make him able to handle godly attack's, and the armor give's off 1/3rd divinity, so this would make him have about 2/3rd's divinity compared to a god, so make can easily confuse him as one if he doesn't correct them, and his necklace also changes as well, it fuses with the Yasakani no Magatama, Brísingamen, and the Phylactery, this helps make his magic amplified and also give protection from elements, namely poison and curses, and his cloak also fuses to have the Tarnkappe, Mantle of Tegau Gold-Breast, and the Tyet, this makes him able to hide his identity, so even if someone sees him, they will forget about him immediately after, since the armor is so powerful, it makes the wearer able to perform almost as if they are a level above their current one with increased feats in every field, so it's very strong, but it can only be as good as it's wearer is

Weapons: what he standardly carries with him

twin single edge hunting swords that are a standard weapon for his "Shadows" which when magically enhanced, they fuse with Angrvaðall, the Skofnung, and the Mistilteinn from his time as a hunter along with throwing knives and needles at the age of 6

twin single edge hunting swords that are a standard weapon for his "Shadows" which when magically enhanced, they fuse with Angrvaðall, the Skofnung, and the Mistilteinn from his time as a hunter along with throwing knives and needles at the age of 6

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