Chapter Four - Smosh is Gone

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Anthony Padildo

    We have tools to break Ian out of prison but the question is, where did they take him? And why did I agree in taking Billy with me? And did he just fart? I could smell something stinky.

"So where are we going, Anthony?" Billy asked.

"To our house," I replied, that was my first thought. I need to know what happened to our house and who did it. My thoughts quickly jumped to conclusions as to who is responsible for this mess, it couldn't be Adrian because I've wiped his memory clean. I scratched my head, maybe, just maybe. And why would Teleporting Fat Guy accuse the Neighbor? What does he have against us?

Billy and I finally reached the rundown house, seeing the house like this breaks my heart.

"Whoa, what happened here?" The boy asked.

"That's what we're gonna find out." I quickly made my way to the front door and yanked the door open, the entire door unhinged completely and started toppling over like a huge domino. I jumped away and avoided the door but I never heard any thud. Wow, a door that heavy won't make a sound?

"Help." I heard a whimper from under the door, it was Billy.

"Oh crap, sorry." I apologized, lifting the door to let Billy crawl out.

"I'm okay." He crawled out between my legs, as soon as I saw his feet go past under me, I let go of the door, it dropped on the ground with a loud thud that it should've made.

"You alright dude?" I helped Billy up.

"Yeah." He dusted off himself. I pulled my phone and turned on the flashlight before stepping inside the house. The only source of light was from my phone as it was a dark and moonless night. I moved my phone around the place, the archway leading to the living room grew out of the dark, lit by my flashlight. Beside it was the huge picture of the Eiffel Tower. Everything was either broken, aged or heavily vandalized. The cream carpet beneath our feet was stained with all sorts of things that I don't wanna find out and there was a chalk outline drawn on the carpet resembling a person. A foul smell of poop, barf and liquor filled the air, I had to take my scarf out of my pocket and tie it around my nose and mouth, it's irritating my nose.

"Smells like my brother Brent's room." Billy remarked. I stepped inside with Billy in tow.

He grabbed tightly on my shirt, "I'm scared, Anthony." The boy squeaked when a soft creak came from Hallway.

"Don't worry, I am too." I trembled as well. What did we get ourselves in?

We passed the archway and were now in the living room, I turned to my right and there's the kitchen counter, the white tiles on it were shattered, the overhead cabinets were missing some doors and so was the fridge. I slowly moved my flashlight around the kitchen, examining every nook and cranny of the counter.

"Nothing here." I mumbled, still searching. I spun around my spot in the kitchen slowly. I turned my back on the kitchen counter and was face to face with a faceless figure, it made my heart leap to my throat.

"Slenderman!" I quickly reacted and gave him a right hook.

"Ow." Slenderman reached for his chin and pulled it, turned out it was Billy in a mask.

"Damn it Billy! Why do you have to scare me like that?!" I was relieved and angry.

"Sorry, I found this lying on the ground, looks like a mask." He stood up and showed me the mask.

"Wait, what the hell is that?" It looks kinda odd, it's made of a rubbery material.

"It looks like a white sack." He stretched it and it was slightly longer for a mask. I looked behind Billy and saw a huge square wrapper and read the brand on it:

SMOSH THROUGH TIME: The Exciting Middle Part (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now