Chapter Thirteen - The Interrogation

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Ian Hecocks

Warm sweat dripped down my face, I was panting heavily and my shirt was drenched in sweat, probably because of pulling a big grey Moon-like unconscious body into the house. I pulled the sleeping Molester Moon into the living room and hastily forced him to sit upright on our old heavy rotating chair. I ran to the old garage and grabbed a length of rope and tape then bound him to the chair, doing it as quick as I could as the drug had begun wearing off. I tied his hands, feet and torso down, restraining all movements and before taping his mouth shut.

I ran outside and pulled Billy's unconscious body by the feet into the house. I glanced at Molester Moon and saw him starting to regain his senses.

"C'mon Billy, I need you to wake up now." I said as I pulled him up the porch. I kept tugging until we reached the front door but then something prevented me from pulling him any farther, I struggled with all my strength to pull him inwards.

"Owee." I heard him yell. I looked back, his chin was hooked on the corner, "Ouch, you're ripping my head off." He ranted.

"Oh good, you're awake." I said, "—now get up and we need to deal with Molester Moon."

"Can you just pull me in? I don't think I can get up right now."

"You lazy bastard, fine." I sighed and smiled then continued to pull him, and this time a little faster.

"WEEEEE!" He cheered as his back brushed against the carpet of the living room.

"Alright, that's enough." I let go of his feet and he quickly stood up then closed the front door. I went past the kitchen, into the hallway and walked straight to my old room. I twisted the knob but it wouldn't let me in.

"You're going down, door!" I backed away, pulled out a big-ass Master Sword and aimed at the door. I raised the sword up high then brought it down, "AYAAAHH!" The blade swiftly sliced through the wood, cracking it all the way to the bottom. I yanked away the sword before kicking the two halves in, "HAI-YA!"

I went inside, nothing but pitch black. My hand reached for the switch and flipped it. The light flickered on and I first noticed my old mahogany bed was not in place, it was moved to the corner and not in its best condition as the bed itself was broken in half, the mattress stained with lots of black and brown spots that reeked so bad. The used to be white-painted room was vandalized with a repetitive phrase:


This was probably all of evil Ian's doing, he was consumed with rage to get revenge at Anthony which makes me wonder, what did Anthony do to make him this evil?

At the center of the room, two figures were tied to a back-to-back chair; both their eyes were staring at me: Mari and Teleporting Fat Guy.

"Mari!" I ran to her and gently pulled off the tape from her mouth, her eyes filled with fear and dread as she looked at me.

"Get away from me, Ian!" She wailed.

I held her shoulder, "Mari, it's me!" I pled.

"Yeah, the one who put me to sleep and brought me into this." She raised her voice.

"No, that's not me, you gotta believe me." Damn, this is getting hard to explain.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Then I noticed Teleporting Fat Guy struggle, I forgot to remove his tape so I did, quickly ripping off the tape from his mouth.

He let out a shriek as the tape plucked out some of his facial hair. "You should believe him." TFG said, "—only the good ol' Ian would be dumb enough to burst through the door with a big-ass sword instead of just getting the keys from Molester Moon." He smirked and rolled his eyes.

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