Chapter Fourteen - VidCon 2012

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Lan Hecocks

Here we go, traveling three years into the past to the place where thousands of people gather annually to meet their favorite YouTube stars: The Third Annual VidCon held always in Los Angeles, California. This particular convention, however, was one of the rarest times that we performed live in front of our over-supportive fans.

I could only see the familiar wormhole we travelled a while back. I looked to my side, Mari stood frozen with her last expression before traveling through time was still etched on her face: eager and smiling, ready to face the dangers ahead. Billy also had the same mood on his face: willing and excited.

Another flash of light and my feet felt solid ground, the sounds of cars and people made its way into my ears. As my vision cleared, the bright midday sun got into my eyes. I saw countless people walking past us moving in every direction, palm trees in the distance, standing tall and waving against the gust of warm wind. Dozens of cars drove on intersecting roads, mostly composed of yellow and blue taxi cabs.

We're in the busy streets of Los Angeles.

"We made it." I said.

"Ian, where are we?" Mari asked. I looked around, checking if there's some landmark here to know where we spawned. My eyes went down from the buildings to the ground we're standing: black tiles and brass stars were stuck to the floor.

"I know where we're at!" Billy suddenly shouted, "We're in Broadway!"

"No, dumbass, we're in the Hollywood Walk of Fame!" I shouted and Billy sunk in his spot.

The Hollywood Walk of Fame, the place where if one's famous enough, their name will go down in history. Their own personal brass star stuck on the ground, but it makes me wonder that why is it on the floor? So jealous people can stomp on you figuratively? It should have been on a wall. Oh well, nevermind that.

We noticed a banner hanging across the wide road of L.A. painted maroon, with huge letterings printed on it:


JUNE 28-30, 2012


"What's next?" Mari asked. I looked at my watch: it was fifteen minutes past 10AM.

"We have to go to the convention center." I said. As far as I could remember, the live show of Smosh was 1PM and we came a little late. Ian must've already beaten us there.

I walked onto the busy road, waving my hands in the air in an act of desperation, "HEY! TAXI!" I yelled and a number of cars swerved around me, honking their horns angrily and one almost ran me over, but I was really desperate to get to VidCon.

Finally a taxi stopped near us, parking by the sidewalk. I walked to the driver's window and it rolled down as a curly-haired, middle-aged man greeted us.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"To Anaheim Convention Center." I said out of breath.

"Hop in, bud." He smiled.

"Thanks, man." I motioned for Billy and Mari to get into the back of the cab and we forced ourselves into the crowded back seat, a tight squeeze.

"You know, there's a lot of room beside me, right?" The driver looked at us as we looked like tuna in a can.

I went out of the cab and sat beside the driver, "Okay man, let's go." The driver revved the engine.

SMOSH THROUGH TIME: The Exciting Middle Part (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now