Chapter Five - Sabotaged

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Anthony Padilla

"ANTHONY!" I heard Billy shriek from the other side of the house. I quickly went out of Ian's room and ran to the door of the garage and saw him running out of it dragging a bucket of wood glue. I saw his face, terrified and crying, his pants wetter than before, running at me.

"What is it?!" I yelled. He ran past me and into the hallway to the living room, I glanced back inside the garage and saw a round figure skipping merrily out of the garage and into the hallway. The light illuminated the figure, I immediately recognized him, Molester Moon.

"I'M GONNA MOLEST YOU!" Molester Moon said in a high pitched tone.

"Oh jeebus!" I shrieked and ran after Billy, who was limping because of the can. Molester Moon was still skipping after us with that evil grin, and chanting,


We reached the living room and I ran past Billy. Then I heard a thud.

"Anthony!" I turned back to see Billy lying on his belly on the carpet, reaching out a hand, "Help me!"

The Molester Moon was gaining on him. I grabbed his hand and dragged him, but his feet got caught by the moon and it became a tug of war.

"Don't let go of me please!" Billy pled, crying heavily. Molester Moon pulled him away, but I pulled back.

"I won't!" I pulled.

"I'm gonna molest you." The molester chanted, pulling Billy towards him.

"Please no!" Billy was sobbing loud.

"No!" I screamed and pulled Billy with all my strength. Then the boy's feet popped off his shoes, sending us flying to the front door, I quickly dragged the boy outside and quickly got him up to his feet.

We stopped on our front yard and I looked back, "He can't get to us now." I said happily.

"Why?" Billy asked.

"Because last time he got stuck between the doors." I said as Molester Moon skipped near the doorway, "This is the part when he gets jammed." I chuckled.

But Molester Moon turned to his side and went smoothly through the door, "I finally got that figured out, bitch!" He said.

"RUUUUUUN!" I bellowed, Billy was no longer beside me but a few feet away, running.

"Way ahead of ya!" Billy shouted. I ran also, still with Molester Moon chasing us, there must be something to slow him down. Then Billy stopped in his tracks.

"Billy! Why aren't you running?" I said.

"Why run when we can fly?!" Billy stood on tip toes and spun his propeller hat with his hand.

"I don't have time for games Billy!" I pulled his hand but he stood there closed eyes and concentrating, "Fine!" I dropped his hand and ran.

This time things were getting serious, Molester Moon wasn't skipping anymore, he was sprinting after me. "I'm gonna molest you!" He cackled, it was scary as fuck, maybe this is the first time he will catch me...and probably the last.

Then he grabbed my arms, it was game over for me. I closed my eyes and covered my face, accepting my fate. I was lifted off the ground, my feet could only feel air, no solid ground, maybe it's time to open my eyes. I think I died quickly than expected.

"Whoa! Did I die quickly?" I said.

"No silly! We're flying!" Turned out it was Billy who caught me by the arms, and lifted me off the ground. "Weeeeee!" Billy shouted. I looked down, Molester Moon was jumping angrily and cursing, I flipped him the bird,

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