Chapter 5

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~The next day: evening~

"Shh baby please don't cry" Christopher said trying to comfort his upset son.
"I miss mommyyyy" Jake cried out, burying his face in his father's neck.
Christopher kept stroking his back softly in an attempt to calm him down cause everytime you did it Jake would eventually relax and fall asleep. But it wasn't working this time. Maybe because it wasn't you the one doing it.
"Where is mommyyy?? I want mommy back" Jake kept crying.
Christopher sat down on the couch of the living room while still holding Jake tightly.
"Mom will be back before you know it. She is on a trip with her friends because she needed to relax" Christopher spat out the first excuse that came to his mind. Jake stopped sobbing and he lifted his head to look up at Christopher with his big wet eyes.
"T-trip?" he asked and sniffled
"Yes Jakey. Mom went to a beautiful island with her friends to have some fun. She will be back soon, I promise" Christopher said and wiped Jake's tears away using his hands.
"really? Why didn't she take us with her?"
"Because it's girls time Jake. They will sunbathe, do their nails, go shopping...we are boys...big boys. We watch soccer...and cartoons" Chan said winking at his son making him giggle and nod.
"Daddy and Mommy love you and we're both so proud of you" Chris said pulling the boy in another tight hug.
"I love you too daddy...but I like mommy more" Jake said and Christopher pulled away to look at him with his eyes wide open.
"what did you say?"
"I. Like. Mommy. More." Jake said with pauses while moving his head from side to side after each word and then he burst out giggling.
" asked for it" Chris said and threw Jake on the couch lightly and started tickling him.
Christopher and Jake's laughters filled the whole house until Christopher's phone ringing interrupted them.
"wait a minute big boy" he told Jake before he rushed to the kitchen to pick it up without Jake listening.
"hello?" Christopher asked hesitantly
"Christopher?" you asked catching him off guard.

His heart started beating ten times faster than before. He felt like his soul would leave his body. Goosebumps hovered his body the moment he heard your crying voice.

"Y/N, baby, are you okay?? Where are you?? I'll come and pi-" Christopher was talking so fast until Felix's sarcastic laugh stopped him.
"You sound so desperate Chris" he said
"F-Felix?" Chris stuttered
"yayy! You got it right!"
"Felix, I swear to god, if you lay a hand on her-"
"don't worry I'm not interested in your slut" Felix cut him off again.
"you're the one that I want" he added.
"Let her go she has nothing to do with what happened to us.. Tell me where you are and I'll come"
You could hear Christopher's voice cracking as he was on the verge of tears.
"Chris I'm okay-" you began but Felix yelled at you cutting you off.
"STOP YELLING AT HER!" Christopher screamed through the phone.
Felix just laughed before he hung up.
"Felix? FELIX?" Chris called but it was too late.
"FUCK!" He yelled and threw the phone on the table before he punched the fridge and he finally broke down in tears.
He sat on the floor running his hands through his hair while crying his eyes out.

"daddy?" Jake's soft voice was heard and Christopher looked up to see him curled up by the edge of the doorframe staring at him with his scared eyes.
"What's wrong daddy?" Jake asked as he started crying too.
Christopher wiped his own tears away and crawled over to where Jake was, pulling him in his embrace.
"Daddy is sad Jakey...please stay like that for a bit" Christopher said and Jake rested his head on his shoulder.
"don't be sad daddy. I love you" Jake said and pecked Christopher's cheek.
"I love you too. So so much" Chris said hugging his son even tighter.
"were you talking with mommy?" Jake asked.
Christopher sigh before he pulled away to cup his son's cheeks.
"no, I was talking with some people that I work with and we had a small argument"
"agg-agh-agr-" Jake struggled trying to repeat the word
"argument" Chris said and smiled weakly.
"ohh...Aggumet!" Jake tried his best and earned a chuckle from his father.
"should we call mommy now then? She will cheer you up!" Jake said excited.
"your mother is having fun we shouldn't bother her"
Jake looked down feeling pretty disappointed.
"we'll try to call her some other time okay?" Chris asked and Jake nodded still looking at his feet.
Christopher stood up, picking Jake up in his arms as well before he grabbed his phone with his free hand to check the time.
"I have to go to uncle Minho and we will work so I have to take you to grandpa's"
Christopher said and Jake cracked him a smile.
"PUT ME DOWN I WILL GO GET DINO!" he said excited and Chan couldn't help but giggle.
He placed Jake down and he immediately rushed to his room.
Christopher followed after him and grabbed Jake's small backpack.
He put a pair of pj's and some clothes inside and then Jake gave him his toys and he put them inside as well. Jake kept his stuff dinosaur 'Dino' in his arms though.
"YAYYY!" Jake screamed happily and he clapped his hands.
Christopher admired his cute son for a while until he took his hand and walked out of the house.
He drove off to your father's place and went inside with Jake.

"Jakey why don't you go leave your backpack in the bedroom?" your father asked and Jake nodded and rushed up the stairs.
"YAH! Be careful with the stairs!" Chris scolded him but he ignored him and run to the bedroom.
"What's going on? Where's Y/N, Chris?"
Your father asked seeming worried.
"Sir...Y/N has been abducted"

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