Chapter 10

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Half an hour later Chris realised he should get going. He wanted to be there early just in case.
"Baby go get your jacket I'll leave you at grandpa's" Christopher told Jake as he checked the time on his phone.
"Grandpa's? Why? I thought we would go get mommy from the airport" Jake said as his smile dropped and turned into a pout.
"I will go pick up mommy while you play with grandpa because your mom's flight may be late. You're a little kid so you need to sleep early. But I promise tomorrow you'll see her" Christopher said.
Jake's lips started trembling while his eyes became teary.
"I wanna see mommy todayyy! That's unfair, you lied to mee!" Jake started crying as he stood up from his father's lap.
"Jake, don't cry, I told you you'll see mom tomorrow, we have some things to take care of-"
"YOU'RE A LIAR!" Jake screamed with tears in his eyes and he unconsciously threw the toy he was holding towards Christopher, and it landed on his eye.
Jake stopped once he realised what he did and he stayed quiet.
Christopher held his eye and sigh before he looked at Jake, seeming furious.
"I'm sorry dada" Jake whispered still pouting.
"That's enough. Go get your jacket. Now" Christopher said and Jake started quietly crying as he ran up to his room to get his jacket.

Seconds later he was back wearing his jacket and his shoes not wanting to disappoint his dad any more.
"I'm ready" he almost whispered and grabbed his dinosaurs from the couch.
His head was hanging low until Christopher lifted him up.
"I didn't want to hurt you daddy" Jake said hesitantly lifting his head up and looking right into Christopher's eyes.
"We'll discuss later cause I'm in a hurry"
Chris said and Jake nodded before he buried his face in his father's neck, calming down just by smelling his sent.
Christopher grabbed his phone and keys and he headed to his car.
He put Jake in the back seat and put his seat belt on before he hopped in the driver's seat and he wore his seat belt as well. The ride to your father's house was silent.
Once they got there Chris helped Jake take his seat belt off and he lifted him up in his embrace again.
"yes daddy?"
"please sleep early and don't misbehave, okay?"
Jake nodded and gave Chris a kiss on the cheek.
Christopher just smiled and gave Jake multiple tickling kisses on his neck making him burst out laughing.
He then knocked on the door and only a few seconds later his father in law opened the door.
Jake opened his arms for a hug and your father embraced him.
"Goodbye dada" Jake said waving his hand at Christopher.
"bye baby. We'll be back before you know it" Chris said giving Jake an assuring smile before he looked at your father.
"Are you sure you got this?" your father asked


Christopher was dying on the inside during the whole ride to that address Felix sent him.
It was 8:50pm. He was almost there

Four minutes later he finally arrived.
A huge dark abandoned building, far from the centre of the city.
It looked like a horror movie.
Christopher took a deep breath before he stepped out of his car.
Just then his phone rang. Everything was so synchronised it was so creepy.
He quickly picked it up only to hear your voice.
The voice he missed the most.
The voice he wanted to hear live and not just from a phone anymore.
"Chris?" you called in your shaking voice.
"Baby where are you? I'm here"
"Christopher go it's a trap!"
"what? Y/N? Where are you???"
The connection was so bad. The call ended with Christopher wondering what the hell was happening.
But he would soon find out...

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