Chapter 16

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The next chapter is gonna be the last one. I'm sad omg.

"what are you thinking about?" you asked Christopher who was staring at the wall blankly instead of sleeping.
You were holding his hand, caressing it at times. He refused to let go of it.
He slowly turned his head to the side to look at you. His eyes started becoming watery.
"he wasn't gonna kill me" he said.
"What do you mean he wasn't gonna kill you? Christopher, baby, Felix was ready to slash your throat with that knif-" you began but he cut you off.
"He. Wasn't. Gonna. Kill. Me." he said with pauses as he clenched his teeth and his grip on your hand became tighter.
"He saw Minho. He knew he would be there on time. He wanted to kill himself. Not me.."he said and a tear made its way down his face. He was squeezing your hand so tightly that it started hurting lightly but you didn't say anything about it cause he needed you.
"honey don't do this to yourself right now. You have to move on. It's hard but you have to" you said and caressed the back of his hand. He eventually loosened his grip again as you kept stroking his hand to calm him down.
"I ruined my little brother's life" he whispered as a sob came out. He burst into tears. You couldn't stand the sight of him crying. You stood up from the armchair and carefully pulled him in a hug.
"shhh...don't blame yourself for what happened baby"
"I can't do otherwise" he said still crying against your neck.
You stayed like that for a while until you made sure he had calmed down.
"It's all over now. Let's try to move on okay? Together" you said and he nodded. You rest your forehead on his and placed a soft kiss on his lips before you sat back down on the armchair next to his bed.
"please hold my hand" he whispered and you smiled and took his hand in yours, caressing it every now and then.
"get some sleep Christopher. I'll be right here" you told him and he nodded.
After a while his eyes became heavy as he started drifting to sleep...

~one week later~

"Home, sweet home" Christopher said and sigh as the three of you walked inside your house.
He then walked straight to the living room jumping on the couch as his son followed him and sat next to him.
Jake handed the remote control to Christopher and he chuckled before he turned the TV on and put some cartoon show on.
You smiled at the sight.
You always watched cartoons with Christopher.
Who would've thought there would be a day when he'd be watching cartoons with your son?
Catching yourself getting emotional you took a deep breath and held the happy tears back.

You walked to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the three of you.
You cooked a soup and then served it in three plates.
Just as you were about to call Christopher's name, he walked inside with Jake in his arms.
"mmm I smell something delicious" Chris said and Jake chuckled.
"Chris place Jake down you shouldn't be carrying him in your condition-" you began but Jake interrupted you
"What condition? Does dada have a baby in his belly too?" Jake asked all surprised and you widened your eyes at what he said.
Christopher immediately looked at you with a confused expression on his face.
"Who's carrying a baby in their belly?" he asked but before you could say anything Jake spoke up.
"Mommy is! She told me I'm gonna have a brother or a sister soon!" he said and clapped his tiny hands in excitement.
"Jake I told you to keep it a secret!" you said almost scolding him.
"but you said when a man and a woman love each other they share everything" Jake told you.
You were pretty surprised that he remembered what you've told him that night, before you got abducted.
"That's my boy. Never keep secrets from daddy okay?" Christopher told his son before he glared at you.
You all sat around the table and started eating while you also helped Jake with his food since he got messy.

Once you finished dinner Christopher headed upstairs with Jake while you stayed in the kitchen cleaning up.
You didn't know what to expect from Christopher.
He for sure looked mad because you didn't tell him about your pregnancy but that's not the only thing that made you nervous.
Did he want another kid?
His reaction on your first pregnancy wasn't all.
You finished washing the last plate and then dried your hands with a towel.
You turned around to leave but were surprised to find Christopher leaning against the doorframe, having his arms crossed, glaring at you.
You just looked at your feet being afraid of his reaction.
"Where's Jake?" you asked almost whispering
"I put him in bed" Christopher said as he walked closer to you.
"For how long?" he asked
"I don't understa-"
"Oh yes I think you do!"
"2 months and a week" you whispered. Your voice wouldn't come out.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"When was I supposed t-"
"I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE KEEPING SECRETS! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME YOU HAD A BROTHER!" you said and he seemed to get more furious.
"My brother isn't related to you in any way.." Christopher said and clenched his teeth.
"whatever Chris" you said and walked past him rushing upstairs to your room.
You took your clothes off and put your pj's on real quick before you got in bed and covered yourself with the blanket.
You turned around facing the wall as a few tears came out.
"I'm sorry you went through all that" you whispered as you stroke your still small belly.

Just as you let a louder sniffle out you felt someone getting in bed with you.
You wiped your tears and tried not to sob or sniffle since you didn't want Christopher to find out you were crying.
But he knew.
He always knew.
He felt it.
He felt you.

His hands suddenly wrapped around your stomach and pulled you back closer to him.
"I'm sorry...I just...wanted to protect the two of you...If I knew about the baby I wouldn't have left you alone even for a second...and maybe none of those things would've happened..." Christopher said.
That was it.
You couldn't hold it in anymore.
You just burst out crying and he was quick to turn you around and make you face him.
"Don't cry baby more tears" he said with his pouty lips and he kissed your forehead before you hugged each other tightly.
"I promise...I will tell you everything tomorrow okay? Now get some rest" he said and stroke your hair.
You sobbed again as you lifted your head up to look into his pretty eyes.
"I love you...and I've missed you so much" you said and he chuckled and pecked your lips.
"I've missed you too...and I love you more...all three of you" Christopher said making you chuckle.
"Are you happy Chris?" you asked while looking in his eyes.
"" he answered.
That's when you felt your heart drop. You sat up straight and looked at him with your eyes watering up again.
"Wha-" you began but got cut off by him pulling you back in his embrace.
"I'm the happiest" he said and you sigh in relief.
"You scared me idiot" you whined and he laughed.
You slapped his chest playfully, totally forgetting about his bruises and scars, earning a groan from him.
"OMG! I'M SORRY BABY I FORGO-" you immediately said but his lips stopped you by connecting with yours.
"I'm alright as long as you are too" he said and you giggled and gave him another peck on his lips.
"Goodnight love"

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