Chapter 15

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"mommy?" Jake poked your cheek in an attempt to wake you up.
You yawned before you slowly opened your eyes to find Jake looking at you with his big terrified eyes.
Jake stayed over at the hospital with you tonight and he slept in your embrace.
"What happened honey?" you asked sitting up straight while still having your son wrapped around you.
"I had a bad dream" he said with a pout.
You chuckled lightly before you looked over at Christopher who was still sleeping deeply and then you looked back at Jake.
"Let's take a walk shall we?" you suggested and he nodded.
You stood up and placed him down but he immediately wrapped his arms around your leg.
"hug please" he said still pouting.
You smiled at how cute he was and you picked him up in your embrace again.

Jake rested his head on your shoulder and you kept rabbing his back while you walked out of the room.
It was in the middle of the night so you tried to be as quiet as possible.
You went to the yard of the hospital and you walked around trying to calm Jake down.

A while later his small body felt less tensed than before and he seemed more relaxed.
You walked back inside the building and into the hallways until you felt an intense pain on your back so you stopped.
"Jakey should I put you down now? Mom got tired and she shouldn't in her condition" you said and he nodded before you let him down and took his hand in yours.
Walking back to Christopher's room Jake tagged on the sleeve of your hoodie, just as you opened the door, in order to get your attention.
You looked down meeting his big eyes once again.
"What condition? Are you sick?" he asked.
You could see him tearing up.
You kneeled down in front of him and cupped his face with your hands.
"I'm not sick baby don't worry...but I have a secret to tell you" you said
"what is it?"
"promise it's gonna stay between us?" you whispered and he nodded with a grin on his face.
"You're gonna have a baby brother or sister soon" you whispered and he widened his eyes.
"REALLY??" he asked his smile growing bigger.
"Yes.. Are you happy?" you asked and he nodded and clapped his hands all giggly.
"mommy has a baby in her bellyyy!" he said excited causing you to chuckle.
"let's go get some sleep now" you said and he nodded still smiling from ear to ear.

The two of you walked back inside only to find Christopher wide awake, massaging his forehead with his hand.
His eyes were closed and he seemed to be having a headache.
"DADDY!" Jake shouted in excitement and run up to his father who immediately opened his eyes widely when he heard him. Jake crowled on the bed and jumped in Christopher's arms. Chris let out a few groans since he just woke up from a coma but he couldn't help but hug his son back.
"heyy Jakey" he said in his cracky voice.
"How could you sleep for so long?" Jake asked making both you and Christopher chuckle.
You walked over to them and pecked Christopher's forehead before you lifted Jake up in your arms taking him off of Chris.
"Jake, daddy still feels sore. Sit here while I go look for a nurse" you said and placed him on the armchair next to the bed before you rushed out of the room to find a nurse..

After a nurse came and did a checkup on Chris she left the three of you alone again saying you should all get some rest.

"I really don't feel like sleeping. I just woke up" Chris said and let out a small chuckle but he soon stopped cause it hurt.
"Baby you have to rest" you said and caressed the back of his hand.
"Daddy you have to sleep!" Jake scolded Christopher making him smile.
"okay I'll do it for you big boy" Chris said and Jake chuckled.
"Jake do you want me to call uncle Minho to come and pick you up? You saw daddy now do you wanna go home with uncle Minho?" you asked and he shook his head quickly.
"noooooooooo" he whined.
"hey Jakey" Chris whispered
"yes dada?"
"uncle Minho told me he wants to see the new dinosaurs grandpa bought you" Chris told him and Jake seemed excited.
"Yes he told me so too. Why don't you go home with uncle Minho to show him your new toys?" you suggested
"but can he bring me back here tomorrow?" he asked tilting his head to the side.
"yes baby" you said and he nodded.
"oki then"

You took your phone and called Minho explaining that Christopher was up and you wanted Jake to go home and rest properly.
After half an hour Minho was there and he came in to see Chris before taking your son home.
"Look who decided to wake up in the middle of the night" Minho joked as he came in and he walked over to Chris giving him a bro fist. Chris chuckled and tried to sit up straight but he only let some groans out since he was in pain.
"woah woah take it easy Chris. You need to stay laid down" Minho said and helped him lay down properly again.
"Ugh I hate this" he murmured loud enough for all of you to hear it.
"You'll be fine soon and we'll go out for a drink don't worry" Minho said and they both chuckled.
"I need more than one" Chan said and they laughed again.
"Minho I want to...thank you. You have always been there for me" Chris told him and Minho awed before he brought him in a hug carefully not wanting to hurt him.
"You don't have to thank me bro" Minho said.
"Uncle Minho! I heard you wanna see my new dinosaurs!" Jake said interrupting the moment.
"really? I mean umm yes I really wanna see them! How did you name them?"
"them too? Isn't Dino that on-"
"They're all Dinos!" Jake said all giggly and Minho chuckled as well before he lifted him up in his embrace.
"well we should go meet them as soon as possible then" he said and Jake clapped his hands in excitement.
"kiss mommy and daddy goodbye" Minho told him and he leaned down so that Jake could give Chris a kiss on the cheek. Then he turned to you and leaned down to you too.
After Jake gave you a kiss too they waved goodbye at the two of you and made their way out..

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