Looking for the 008 Sample

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"Did you call?"

Alex spoke, as he went into the room with his team present. The doctor looks at him and speaks out.

"Yes, Alex. We have, in fact, called. We have something important here."

Alex than look at him, and spoke out to him.

"Speak it up, Doctor. What is the situation this time?"

The doctor than spoke out.

"Actually, this is one that has been gone on for a very long time. It has been going on since the year of 1959. Basically, it is 59 years ago."

This actually surprised Alex greatly.

"59 years? That long? Wow. Just what is this serious?"

The doctor than pulls out a screen of a complex prion seen right now.

The doctor than pulls out a screen of a complex prion seen right now

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"This SCP is called SCP-008, also called the Zombie Plague."

Before he could continue speaking, Alex than spoke out loud.

"Is it kind of like my ability to make Zombies?"

The doctor looked at Alex and spoke out to him.

"Sort of, yes. However, unlike your zombies, which come from a virus, this one, prion. And the reason I've called you and the others here, is that we beleive that we had located the sample that was stolen by the Russians back 59 years ago."

As he spoke, he typed in the keyboards, and everyone saw a strange hideout. When the screen zoomed out, it is revealed to be underground. The doctor than turned around.

"The Russian Government had been keeping this thing away, and he jammed the signal, so that they can keep the sample they had stolen. But it turned out the same had broken our, and it had infected everyone in there. I need you to go down there and get it."

Jaime, looking a little uncertain, than spoke out to the doctor.

"Ummm...doc. Isn't there anything for us to have, in case we get infected?"

He doctor realized what it meant, and did a facepalm.

"Oh, right. I have some SCP-500 Pills for you. This might help you all."

He spoke, as he held out a container of pills.

He spoke, as he held out a container of pills

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