The SCP world has been known for housing a number of supernatural entities for the sake of humanity's normalcy and to keep them safe. And there is no exception of these 4 entities. A virus for the instinctual god. The symbiotic organism for the rule...
Spawn is fighting as many demons as he can fight. There are so many of them at once that it should have been impossible for Jim to even fight against all of them at once. But Jim used his chains to destroy them, and kill them, shredding them as if they are nothing but paper towels. But as he fought against the Demons, suddenly, a red tendril wrapped itself around Spawn's leg, and sends him flying into a building close to him, causing the building to be damaged by Spawn's body.
Spawn than recovered, and saw who it was that had attacked...and he wasn't even surprised at who it was.
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It was Carnage himself. Needless to say, Spawn doesn't need to know why...because Carnage is straight up to insane. Still, he speaks his thoughts out to Carnage, as he floats down to the ground.
"Jeez...Carnage. I didn't think that you would be joining those fuckers, even when you and everyone else are in danger of being destroyed."
Carnage cackled like it is funny, before speaking out to Spawn.
"So what?! It gives more fun to kill as many humans as I possibly can!! And with Cletus at my side...we'll make that you are the one that's killed!!! And with the Scarlet King, IT MAKES KILLING MORE SWEETER!!!!"
He than rushed at Spawn, who than wrapped his chains around the Carnage Symbiote, who had also wrapped his red tendrils around Spawn, as both are now engaged to a fight to kill each other.
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Spawn is now going to do whatever that he can into making sure that Carnage doesn't go to the Scarlet King to give himself power. He is going to make sure that Carnage is stopped...even if it means having to kill the psychotic Symbiote.
With Cyborg...
Cyborg is back on Earth with the others, and was able to learn from Halo...that James was safe. Cyborg sighs, and than goes to another part of the country he is in? And is facing off against instance of an SCP, know by their designation number:3288.
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