Meeting the Counterparts part 2

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Alex was shocked at this. What he is in now. He's now in another Earth.

"How did we get involve in this problem again here?"

As he spoke, Spawn than spoke out to him, demandingly.

"Alex...What do you know of the situation we're in?"

Alex turned, and saw that many of the Newborms, minus the ones that have been involved in this situation before, are all glaring at him. They demanded an answer here. Alex began to sigh, and spoke out to them, calmly.

"Well...Me, Toxin, Scorn, and Jaime. Long-Story short, we have been through this situation before. It was just not like this. The situation involved a 001 event. And the 001 event took place in a alternate timeline. For those that do not know what an Alternate Timeline is, think of it as a separate branch in history. One beacon would be us...where there is anomalous entities, events, beings, items, and dimensions, while another...might lack that. But the event we got involved in was about 001, or at least, one of the proposals we were in. The event involved the sun becoming a dangerous thing that turns people into melted zombies that want to make others go into the sun and be melted, as well as being combined to the molecular level to consume the world in melted flesh. A little fragment of humanity brought us in there to try and stop this. While it wasn't easy, due to the amount of Melted zombies patrolling the area, and some of us had to get the counterparts of our loved ones to aid us in this sort of thing, we were able to succeed. The battle came to close for comfort. We thought we were going to fail there. We were just lucky there. But...if this is another 001 event, and all of us are needed, than it must be very serious here."

Everyone took a long time to process the information there. But as they are doing this, Alex than sensed something, and puts up his shield. Rex noticed it to, and out up his Block Party. Spawn also noticed, and used his cape to shield them, by hardening the shield greatly. A blast of energy hit the shields and sent them back. Everyone looked, and saw something that was completely unexpected.

The aliens right there are very demented. They look like they want to be sinister. Everyone has no idea why they are here now. But they do is not a good type here.

"Well, well, looks like we found the Specimens that we need."

The alien waved his hand, and some shackles appeared. Everyone got caught in the shackles, and they are all struggling to break. Rex tried to use his Smack Hands, but it failed. The shackles instead expanded greatly. Koriand'r tried to use her superhuman strength to get out. But this also ended in a fail with her to. Toxin tried to slip through and detract from his host, but the shackles are keeping him in place very firmly. Spawn tried to turn into a spawn of bats completely. But the Shackles are nullifying his powers to a complete extent. Kanpeki is trying to use the Kagune to break the shackles, even hardening it. But it had also failed. Alex...even with his now growing enhanced strength, cannot break the shackles that's on him. The alien than cruelty chuckled at what they had done. They can came forward, and spoke out to the Newborns.

"You people will never escape. These shackles are meant to nullify any abilities you have. You will never surprise us. You will become our slaves! We will conquer the earth, and more importantly of all, we will make sure that you will never escape! Ever! And we will start with the hooded guy first here."

The alien than pulled out a weapon, and prepares to cut away of his hands, so that he may not use his abilities. But Alex doesn't need to use them...because he brought out something that is an unexpected surprise. As the Alien prepares to strike, Alex began to become immensely stressed. When it is about to go down, Alex panicked, and his eyes opened, which shot out twin beams.

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