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Loki stayed out all day, so long that Megan was already resigned themself to sleeping on the couch. Perhaps a bit of space would help. They eyed the piano beside them. Not now. They changed into a new dress, and resigned themself to spending Valentines Day as they usually did: reminiscent and alone.

Bring on the chocolate.

They sighed, grabbed a carton of ice cream, and settled on the couch, pulling The Fault in Our Stars from their lanyard. No better way to celebrate Valentines Day than by crying over somebody else's problematic love life. By god, they were going to ignore their problems until death itself shoved responsibility so far up their ass they could taste the tax benefits.

They were so absorbed in their story, they let out an inhuman screech when the lights suddenly flicked off. When the light returned, Megan was met with a scowl.

"You should be asleep," he bit out.

"It's only-" they glanced at their watch, and their protests died. "Oh."

"I'll be in my office," he growled, stalking off again.

They thought to follow him, but quickly dismissed the idea. Instead, they settled back in, eyes flicking back to where they left off, mind flicking back to Amsterdam.


They closed the book with a sigh, and checked the time. Too late to reasonably go to bed, too early to get anything done. Their mind and feet froze. They had an extra carton of ice cream. They had a self-deprecating alien. They yanked the freezer open, wincing at the crunching and shifting of the ice, and grabbed a spoon.

Silently, they listened at the office door. Nothing. So, they pulled the door open. Loki was sleeping soundly, head resting in his arms. They smiled briefly, then set the ice cream and the book on the desk in front of him. They looked back at him as they closed the door. A monster? No. A sheep in wolf's clothing. Well, they would leave him be. As long as he needed.

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