Freelancer City

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Llllleeeezzzzz go bois

Y/N's POV:

I sit in the driver seat of the Scorpion Tank. It's cramped with the amount of people we have in this damn thing.

Echo: God it's musty in here!

Y/N: Yeah tell me about it.

Y/N: Okay who's finger is touching my ass?

Grif: When did Donut get here?!

I groan.

Caboose: Tucker did it!

Sarge: He's not even here bluetard.

Y/N: Echo give me a beat before I lose my shit.

Echo: On it.

Music starts playing in the tank but no lyrics. I recognize the beat of the song so I decide to just adlib is.

Y/N: Take me down to the freelancer city where the guns are loud and the agents are asses. Oh won't you please take me home. Yeah.

Sarge: Get down with it.

Echo: For the love of god no.

Y/N: Take me down oh won't you please take me down!

Echo: Shut the fuck up already!

Simmons: Guys I think we're here.

Echo: Oh thank god.

I listen in as Church does a really bad job of remaining cool and not talking. For whatever reason the security guard just decides to let us in.

Caboose: Well that was easy.

Grif: It's never this easy.

Sarge: Grif shut yer yammering.

We drive into the base and pull over at a pillbox bunker of sorts that leads down into the main base.

Y/N: Finally! My back is killing me.

Echo: Your singing was killing me.

Church: L/N sings?

Echo: Terribly.

I roll my eyes.

Y/N: Yeah yeah. C'mon let's go over the plan.

Washington: Right. I'm going to take Church in for "Interrogation" we're then going to go down to the vault and retrieve what we need in order to beat the meta. Don't touch anything.

Y/N: So what exactly are we going to do?

I motion the reds and Caboose.

Washington: Well this is the base that put you through the hell you went through. So go ahead and break some shit. Colorado keep an eye out of the Meta and if things go South.

Y/N: I'll just blow everything to hell.

Echo: You've talked to Donut too much.

Y/N: Shut up.

And so Washington and Church head down to do whatever it is they need to do. I start going through data bases continuing with my personal mission.

Echo: Still looking?

Y/N: Yeah of course I am.

Sarge: Simmons I want you to erase the blues.

Y/N: Wait what?

Simmons: You just blew my mind sir.

He starts typing away at the main console of the room. Grif and Sarge do their best to help/patronize Simmons. I then see him going through all of our info.

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