Old Wounds

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Leeeeezzzzzzz gooooooo

Y/N's POV:

I sit alone on the top of our base. It's quite similar to the one I was stationed at in Blood Gulch. Circular with two side entrances and a hole in the ceiling. Don't ask why a hole in the ceiling is a tactically wise choice.

Echo: You doing okay buddy?

Y/N: What do you think? Your in my head.

Echo: Actually I didn't want to look into it too much, figured it'd be better to talk shit out.

I look over at the gray glowing ODST that has become like a brother to me over the years.

Y/N: Since when did you start getting all soft?

Echo hesitates and kicks the air around him before sighing.

Echo: Y/N I'm an old AI you know that right?

Y/N: Where are you going with this bud?

Echo: Nothing...never mind you got company coming up.

He disappears and I see Carolina standing behind me. On her head is a new helmet from her most recent raid on the pirates.

Been about a month since I last seen Nevada. Apparently she's become a prominent leader for the New Republic and unfortunately works with Felix a lot.

Carolina: That spot taken?

She nods her head at the space next to me. I shake my head and she sits next to me. Our legs dangle  over the roof of the base.

Carolina: How you holding up Colorado?

Y/N: Jesus Christ you people are on loop. I'm fine, I've always been fine.

She looks at me and tilts her head inquisitively. She sighs before removing her helmet.

Her hair shines under the moonlight as it falls to her shoulders.

Carolina: We found something while we were out and about.

Y/N: Which is?

She produces an orange cube from her hip. She hands it to me and I study it.

Y/N: Whats this? A futuristic rubix cube?

Carolina: No, that's actually a teleportation device. We can use it to go anywhere so long as we have the coordinates for it.

Y/N: Oh okay that's actually kinda cool. Thank fuck Grif isn't around to call these things future cubes or whatever.

Carolina: You think about the others a lot?

It was my turn to my sigh.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm worried about them. All of them.

Carolina: And Nevada?

Y/N: I don't know why you ask a question you already know the answer to.

Carolina: Right. Sorry.

We go quite before I turn to look at her.

Y/N: What was I like?

Carolina: What do you mean?

Y/N: Before the whole crash thing, what was I like?

Carolina: Well, I guess I'd have to go back when I first met you then.

Flashback time fuckers! Yeah I know it's filler, piss off.

Carolina's POV:

I sit in my 1st period history class. It's a cold December day as snow falls to the ground blanketing the ground.

Our teacher goes on to go over the causes of the First World War when the door suddenly opens.

In the doorway stands a new guy. His eyes look tired and his hair windswept. Small little flecks of snow decorate his hair.

???: Sorry I'm late traffic was a real shit show.

Dr. Salazar: Ah yes, class this is Y/N he'll be joining us from this point on.

I see him fidget with his hands as everyone's eyes land on him. He rocks back and forth on his feet but somehow through it all he musters a smile.

Dr. Salazar: Let's see...Carolina the seat next to you is open correct?

Carolina: It is.

Dr. Salazar: Perfect, Y/N why don't you go sit down next to her.

The boy nods his head and walks over to me. He sits down next to me and I'm immediately aware of how nervous he seems.

I payed him no mind as we continued with the lesson. Through it all he was quiet and took notes carefully and drew what I could only describe as an explosion.

As the days went on I would notice the small things about him. The way he bounced his knee when doing a test. How he'd comment absurd things. And how lonely he seemed to be. I felt bad for him most of the time.

One day out of the blue he slid me a paper asking me for help. I don't know why but when I looked into his eyes I could see how vulnerable it made him feel to ask for help.

Turns out he wasn't doing so good in his other classes and trusted me more than anyone else. We would study at my house and he met my mom and dad. They liked him.

When working with Y/N I would get a look at how his brain worked. He was different from anyone I've ever met. And that's what got me, how different he was.


Y/N's POV:

Y/N: So basically I was the weird kid?

Carolina: Among other things.

She continues to tell me stories about things we used to do together. All the mini adventures, dates, car rides, dinners. All of it. Even the steamy moments.

Eventually the sun begins to rise into the sky.

Carolina: Come on Colorado.

She stands up and offers me her hand.

Y/N: Where are we going?

Carolina: To save everyone's ass. We figured out that the others are going out on rescue operations for eachother.

Y/N: And Locus and Felix can't have them meeting together and putting two and two together?

Carolina: We cannot. Oregon is already at the base where the cubes will take us once we extract everyone.

She dawns her helmet and I throw on mine. I grab my weapons which consist of a grenade launcher I stole from a pirate, and my sticky detonator on my hip. I've also brought a fuck ton of explosives cuz why the fuck not?

Timeskip (yeah I get it I'm fucking around with time)

I crouch in position next to a blown up tank. Carolina is standing with a bunch of pirates at the moment.

Locus: Like sheep to the pen. Your ready for slaughter.

Echo: Man does he always have to be so I dunno weird?

Y/N: I know right? Like who the hell does he think he is?

Suddenly the talks break down as Locus and Felix...well mostly Felix reveal everything. I can see Nevada's fist tremble.

Nevada: So everything was a lie.

Felix: Well I didn't lie when I said you could do better than the guy you refuse to let go.

Nevada: ...is he dead?

Felix: Oh he definitely-

Deciding I've had enough I fire my grenade launcher into the air. It flies down towards Felix when it's shot out of the air by Locus.

Y/N: Oh he's definitely not dead! And he's definitely going to fuck your shit up!

Aaaand scene

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