Fight On The Run

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Llleeeezzzz goooooo

Y/N's POV:

I crouch behind a rock examining some type of battle going on between the two factions. One in white and the other in beige with green accents.

Y/N: Goddamn look at them.

Echo: It's a fucking blood bath down there.

I hear a twig snap behind me. I unsheathe Nevada's knife and swing it behind me narrowly missing Carolina's head.

Carolina: Really?

Y/N: Sorry boss, just a little jumpy is all.

I sheathe the knife and continue watching. Oregon enters the fight and begins dragging soldiers in and out of the conflict.

Someone tries their luck and charges Oregon. Oregon quickly drops the soldier and slams the charging one into the ground.

 Oregon quickly drops the soldier and slams the charging one into the ground

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Echo: Note to self. Oregon isn't an agent for nothing.

Oregon continues to save people's lives while not taking any.

Carolina: Colorado.

Y/N: Hm?

Carolina: Am I the only one who sees shimmering figures on that roof?

I follow her gaze and my eyes begin to make out the outline of multiple people using active camouflage.

Y/N: Yeah I see them. What's the plan boss?

She aims her rifle and I aim my DMR. Suddenly a sniper trail zips past Oregon's head.

Carolina: Take them out!

She fires her rifle and I fire mine. With the element of surprise two of the cloaked figures drop dead. The others look around for the source of the shots before dragging their dead away from the roof.

We're joined by Oregon as he comes up behind us. He wipes his bloodied hands on the grass and sighs.

Oregon: Can the next plan not involve me getting my head blown off?

Y/N: Eh it was my turn last time.

We've been on the move for about 2 weeks now. We don't stop anywhere to set up camp for extended periods of time.

Carolina: Good work Oregon, now lets get a move on. Epsilon were you able to catch their teleportation coordinates?

Church: Yeah we got them.

Echo: Hey since you have all those memories of the other AI's and talk to them, does that make you a loony?

Church: Oh fuck off Echo I'm the original AI.

Echo: Not even, the Alpha was the OG...your just the really weird memories.

Carolina: Colorado, get your AI under control.

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