30. First day if college

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AN: I introduced 2 new character in this chapter. The first one is a student. His name is Nick Robinson. The second one is the English teacher (Sebastian Stan) Yes, like the actors lol. You can picture anyone you want to though in his place, that's just who I'm writing them as in my head. But please feel free to use your imagination and think of someone else that you have a crush on lol. And no, they are not going to steal the spotlight form Harry. They're just here to make the story better😉

I finally get to school and it just seems like a bigger version of high school to be honest. Nothing what I expected.

I had 4 classes to attend. My 1st class was Pre cal Math, 2nd was English, 3rd was history.... with Harry as the teacher.. great, Can't wait for that one...

And last but not least my 4th class wasn't really a class. It was more so if an internship at the college library. And it's actually really cool and flexible. I don't have to go every single day. I only need to make sure I work at least 10 hours a week. It don't matter when or what days though, so I was actually looking forward to it.

I had already ordered my school books a week in advance so that I could be prepared and not have to go to the crowded book store to get them last minute.

Before I know it I'm already in math class. I was expecting it to look like the classically college classrooms in the movies but i was sadly mistaken. It looked exactly like high school. The only difference was that there were tables with two chairs at each table. I noticed that all the classrooms were like this actually.


1 hour passed and the math teacher was finally done with his lesson. Now it was time for English, which was in the next building over. So I decided to go ahead and head over there even though I had 10 mins until class started. I figured I could look around the campus a little bit since I would have to walk to the other building anyway.

The campus was surprisingly pretty big. I thought it was smaller I guess. No one was really walking around. It was pretty empty actually. I felt lied to by all the movies that had shown people outside tossing frisbees and sitting against trees reading books.

The 10 minutes quickly passed and it was time for English class. I plopped my self down in a seat that was by the door in the back of the class.

The teacher hadn't arrived yet so I laid my head on the table to rest my eyes for a second. I quickly lifted my head up as soon as I felt the table shake because someone had sat their books on the table. I was angry someone had sat beside me. But I should have known someone would. I mean it's not like I own the place.

"Hi my names Nick." The young man says to me with a smile on his face.

Damnit. He was pretty hot.

"Hey..." i said. Confused as to how someone could be this happy in the morning.. on the first day of school...

"Ohh so I don't get a name?" He asks. "I saw you napping on the table only 1 minute into class so I figured I should sit beside you to keep you awake. You're welcome."

" I don't just go giving my name out to strangers." you say jokingly. "I actually wasn't napping yet, because I was disrupted by someone... I think there name was.... oh yes! Nick..."

We both start giggling but stop abruptly as we both see the professor walk into the class.

"Goodmorning, my name is Sebastian Stan , you can call me Mr. Stan of course." The professor said as he walked to his desk. He was so attractive.

Wait no. I can NOT be thinking this about my teacher on the first fucking day.

Before I know it class is finally ending.

"What's your next class?" Nick asks me.

"History" I  say looking upset. Remembering that Harry is my teacher for that class.

"Oh that's in this building just down the hall... I can walk you if you want" Nick asks nervously. "I have civics class next which is like right beside the history class room so it's no trouble really."

I actually appreciate the offer so  I accepted. He walked me to class. Even though it was only a 20 second walk. I hadn't realized how close the two classes where. It was a lot more convenient than having to walk from math building to this building earlier this morning.

"Good luck." Nick says to me, interrupting my thoughts, as we both part ways. I motioned a quick wave to him as I turned into Harry's classroom.

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