Chapter 13: Control and Cupcakes

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------Loki's POV

She doesn't seem to know, and I'll never tell her. I saw her, she was on the top of that structure, helpless. My reaction to her distress was nothing more than weakness from over exposure to this world. But when she fell.... I sat on my bed sinking my face into my hands, I swept away cold sweat on my forehead. I never want to go through that again. I doubt anyone saw me, the humans were all to focused on the fight above. I walked out of my room quietly, passing a barely opened door occupied by Jen. I opened the door a crack. She had fallen asleep with her phone next to her, lights on, jacket around her as well. Her face peaceful. Without thinking, I walked in. When she asked for my aid... I had to get to her. I laid a small blanket on top of her, moving back a few blue and brown curls from her face. Jen moaned slightly in her sleep, turning over to hold partially to the edge of the blanket. This innocent picture brought a smile to my face. I left as quiet as I came, turning off the lights as I left. She needs better than this. There was a knock at the door. 'sigh' Mortals and their horrible manners. Even when I enslave them. Behind the door was an assistant I had recently acquired, he originally was the head of a large cooperation here in this city, now he was reduced to a simple lacky, making me head of said cooperation. I had to cause some mischief while I wait for my tesseract.

"What do you want." I snapped when I opened my door.

'I'm sorry for disturbing you at a late hour Loki, but I have news that you may want to hear now."

'sigh' I rubbed my head, this planet gives me a headache. "Come in, but be quiet."

He slithered in with light footsteps and stood in the center of my living room, or that's what Jen called the space for her flat picture screen and sitting furniture.

"I'll get straight to the point then." He stood there awkwardly facinated with my newly owned living space, he was a short balding man, small slit eyes that now glowed my crystal blue.

"I have reports of Tony Stark and the other Avengers entering the city. We have credits of Mr. Stark entering a club we own." He handed me pathetic squares of paper, I slapped them out of his hands.

"And they will not know I am here, understand me peasant?" I growled, towering over the pathetic man.

"Y-yes Loki." Scattering to pick up his insignificant sheets. While gathering them, he glanced at my large four-seated chair, catching sight of a blue handbag.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your night." Suddenly grinning at me.

"What pleases you all of a sudden?" Curious of his sudden lack of fear for me.

He took another look at Jennifer's bag. "Nothing, sir. I'll be going." He slithered around me and out the door. Humans perplex me. I shut the door, taking in a deep breath. I will fight again for the tesseract, make no mistake of that. I glided back to my bedroom, changing into more comfortable clothes to sleep in. I checked the mechanism for telling Midgardian time. 1:45. It was not hard to fall asleep.

--------- Jen's POV

Falling. That's all there was, the feeling of falling.

Mother...Father....Come back.... their death.....No...Please no.....not this.....not again.....not now...

I could see it all so clearly, the sun just about setting on the horizon. The water shined with its light, creating so many colors...The red's and pinks of the sky above me, candy swirls surround my head. So close, I could twirl my small fingers through the delicious patterns. My father, a tall thick man with a brownish red beard that tickled my cheeks whenever he picked me up to kiss my forehead. He pointed a long finger down to the water below. I peered my head through the old wooden bars down to the ocean. A blue-grey bottle-nose dolphin was gleefully jumping out of the crystal water, calling us to watch him dance. I gripped the wooden bars with all my strength to pull myself up enough to watch him play. My mother, a short thin woman with shiny red hair just as a fresh apple with ruby lips to match, her eyes were a deep blue that reflected as mine, (I remember they twinkled whenever she laughed), scolded me for leaning to much on the wooden Pier holding us up from the water. I wish so much that I had listened. The wood under my fingertips began to rot and decay, disintegrating beneath my tiny fingerprints. They rotted until toothpicks were holding up my family and I, until finally, they snapped. Their screams lasted for what seemed like hours, but were only a few fleeting moments. I was forced back by a powerful hand, landing on the wooden Pier. I looked up to see them; My father holding my mother in a tender but firm embrace, his face buried into her hair. My mothers beautiful eyes were locked with mine, thick salty tears formed in the corners. One slender arm reaching out to me, wanting to brush through my hair, or cup my cheek, or grasp my hand, I'd never know. Her lips open in a scream that haunts every dream I ever remember, but in that moment there was no sound, only an echo after it passed. I watched them fall, holding each other, screaming the name of the little girl who caused this, mine. The water opened its maw, swallowing them along with silencing their screams. I waited, waited for the bubbles to reveal my parents, who would swim to shore to scold and then hug me tight. But those bubbles continued, but slowly stopped until the water was still enough to see my reflection. My hair was matted in brown curls and knots, my eyes red from the burn of tears. Come back. Come back....Come back.....

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