Chapter 17 : Goodbye?

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I silently thanked Loki for helping me prove my innocence of the death of Peter. I held back that feeling in the back of my throat that wanted to cry. The painful moment came, they were taking Loki away. On the bright side, it looked like he was being more friendly to his brother Thor. He wouldn't be so lonely anymore. But when he left, what would I have? Just Emily, and she was no where to be found at the moment. Loki and Thor started to leave, all of them except for the Captain left. Instead he came to me.

"I'm sorry about Peter, I knew you two were close." He rubbed a hand through his golden hair, looking guilty.

"Thank you, we were..." I held myself in a lonely little self-hug and looked at my shoes. Steve was about to leave when I remembered something I wanted to tell him.

"Oh, Captain. One more thing." I called him back. He looked at me again, standing well taller than me.

"Yes Jen?" The Captain seemed much more warm to me than earlier experiences.

"Thank you for saving me when I kinda..fell off that building." I somewhat laughed. This was really awkward, not only did I used to hate this guy, but while I did he saved my life.

"I have to tell you Jen, I didn't save you that day. I only took you to the ambulance." He brushed another hand through his slick golden hair. I was shocked, he saw it on my face and continued.

"That day, while everyone was focused on the fight, a figure came out of no where, it almost seemed like smoke, and grabbed you. Then you were gone. A few minutes later a man handed you to me, saying you needed medical attention."

Smoke....Loki. Oh that arrogant bastard, why wouldn't he tell me?I looked over at Thor and Loki and felt a pang of sadness. I don't want him to leave me, not now, not ever. He looked over at me, I could feel the same sadness from him. Then he called over to my uncle, to say goodbye to me.

Thor let him go and all the Avengers and shield agents backed off out of earshot. Most left and packed up, only Tony and Thor stayed and talked to each other, ocasionally looking our direction. When we reached each other I instantly hugged him. I looked up at his face to find him blushing.

"What was that for Jenny?" He smirked down at me.

"Saving my life." I smiled back up at him. He looked confused and then wide-eyed.

"I don't know what you-" I put my hand over his mouth.

"Cap told me Loki, you're the one who caught me Wednesday." He cursed under his breath and looked back at me with guilty eyes. He hugged me back, curling his long fingers around my back and waist.

"If only you could stay on Earth." I mumbled into his green leather armor.

"I don't belong, I'm a monster..." He let me go and put distance between us, his beautiful green eyes filled with sad emotions. I touched his golden shoulder plate.

"You're not a monster..there's good in you, you just can't see it." I tried to smile at him, even though I was silently dieing.

"I've seen so much more good in you since when we first met Jen, what happened?" He sarcastically sneered at me. I wasn't really in the mood for his sarcasm, I looked away, my gaze fell on the blood spattered ground around us.

"You've only just begun to know me Jen, there is still so much you don't understand." He looked at me with pain in his eyes, I knew  he was right. I sighed, wanting nothing more than the comfort of my Norse god. As if he had heard, he coiled his arms around me gently, kissing the top of my aching skull. His grip became tighter around my waist, his long fingers clutching my clothing. I could hear something, his voice.

I would do anything to stay like this.....

"Oh would you now." I whispered at his armor. I felt him tense up slightly.

"You..can hear me?" His voice was hot on my neck, I sunk more into his arms, I nodded. I could feel a smile on his face as he rested his cheek in my hair.

What does that mean? I thought.

It means, my little Jen, we have a bond. His voice echoed in my mind, so sweet with his accent.


We can hear each others thoughts, feel each others emotions. Only immortals with dark magic can create links. My heart picked up, the thought of still being able to talk to Loki, I tightened my grip on his armor.

The more distance between us, though, the weaker the bond becomes....If I go back to Asgard it will break entirely. His arms held me close to his chest, I could feel the fast heartbeat under his black and green leather armor.

How did we become bonded? I looked up into his emerald eyes.

He leaned down, his face now level to mine, so close to my lips I could feel the soft breath on my cheeks. "isn't it obvious?" He smirked, softly brushing his lips against mine. He held me closer, making the distance between us non existent. I ran my fingers through his amazingly midnight black hair, the kiss deepened, one of his hands found itself on the back of my neck, the other still clung to my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and i got on my toes. He pulled me more into his strong arms, both of our heads rushing, not knowing which thoughts were mine and which were his. Tony's loud annoying voice interrupted us.

"NO, NONE OF THAT!" The both of us sighed in unison, and looked back at our babysitters. Tony was on the edge of blasting Loki, while Thor was smiling stupidly at his brother and I. I waved back awkwardly and Thor waved with enthusiasm. We released each other and walked back to my uncle and Thor. Tony threw Loki in front of him, and made him march to the hellicarrier. I stayed in back with the still very handsome Thor. He put an arm around me and laughed deep in his stomach. Making Loki turn back and glare at his brother, making Thor laugh harder.

"You've mad my brother very happy, Jen. I thank you for that." I blushed.

"I haven't done that much."

"Nonsense! He has changed greatly! Things shall be much joyous in Asgard when he returns!" My heart sank once again. As we reached the ocean, Tony motioned me to stop.

"Jen, you will go to Xavier. I'd like you to visit Stark Tower whenever you want." He winked and pushed Loki into the hellicarier. Thor followed and soon it started to drift off shore, where the engines started and flew up into the sky. 

Goodbye Loki

This isn't goodbye, at least not yet.


Please smile

How did you-

I'm a god, Jennifer, I know everything. Plus you have a beautiful smile.


Theeere it is

I started walking to Xavier's school, still feeling the presence of Loki in the back of my mind.


Hey! 2 chapters in one day ^_^ What do you guys think? So for a while the two of them will be talking telepathically. Please leave your comments, questions, and concerns below and if you like it, vote! Thanks for reading :) I have 1,300 some reads and 23 votes. You guys are AWESOME!

Love ya'll!

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