Chapter 16: Battleground Part 2

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Loki's POV -----

The angry Wolverine man let go of his grip on my armor, asking Jen if she trusted me. I was surprised when she said she did. I couldn't help but think she was lying, after all that I've done? How could anyone trust me...especially someone like her. The man left just as violently as he came, I stepped closer to Jen.

"Do you mean that?" In a hushed voice. Her eyes were sparkling, so full of emotion, joyous human emotion. I could feel something, a force, something bringing me closer to her. She nodded at my question, I smiled at this curious little mortal. She held out a slender hand to me.

"Do you trust me?" She asked me. I felt something, I've heard of it before happening to those who have the powers I posses. But I've never gotten as close to someone, as I have with Jen. I took her hand gently in mine, bowing slightly to her.

"Completely." She looked at me strange when I straighten, but then I felt it too. That tug and pull, our eyes locked and I knew it was there. A link, a connection, a bond between us. Her eyes told me everything. I was about to speak when something flew between us, breaking my concentration. I gripped onto my spear and she sped off in another direction. She was an amazing fighter. I turned my attention away from her, and to my tesseract. It was in a rather medium sized machine, high tech for Midgardian minds, but I saw few weak points that would easily destroy the devise. I charged for it, stabbing and slashing at anyone who stood in my path. The man named Magneto had his hands tied at the moment, dealing with weaker mortals. I blasted the machine with a mighty force from my spear, shattering the side to pieces. I took what was rightfully mine. I could hear something in the distance, something I knew too well. Thunder. I clentched my jaw, my brother and his associates were coming here. If there was a moment of escape, it would be now. I summoned a mist to take me away, just far enough to easily slip away, but I stopped. I felt an immense sadness, I shuttered, not able to control myself. I leaned on my spear for support, shaking. What was wrong with me? I began to understand, this wasn't my emotion, it came from someone else, I only felt a part of it. I used my spear for support and stood, looking over the crowd. I saw her, tears streaming down her eyes, clothes torn and blood stained. She walked out into the war, just as the Avengers came into sight.

The one with stars came out of an alley, hands covered in blood, he caught sight of her, and rushed at her shield up. Jen was to focus to see him, I disappeared in a cloud of moss mist, and came out right next to her. I grabbed her waist and disappeared again, farther away from the fighting. She practically collapsed in my arms, sobbing silently. I crouched down to hold her better and stroked her hair while she cried on my shoulder.

"What happened Jen.." I cooed, wipeing away thick tears from her cheeks. She looked up at me, I could feel a rush of pain and sorrow come from her.

"Peter's dead...I tried to stop it..Toad was going to shoot me, and Pete took the bullet for me.." She choked on tears and buried her face into my armor. From her memories I could see it happen, Peter as Spiderman, their last farewell. I let the tesseract down by my side and held her tightly, comforting her sorrow. I rested my cheek on her head, kissing her hair gently. We could both hear the last of the fighting, the Avengers obviously rounding all the insignificant mortals and dealing with the real villains out there.

"It's going to be alright...I won't let anything hurt you..." I held her tighter. I silently thanked Peter for saving her. Her mind kept racing with thoughts, how she could have prevented it, how sorry she was. Her crying slowly stopped, but she stayed curled in my arms. I could hear things, bits and pieces. Some thanking Peter, others thinking of the battle a couple streets from us, and a few of me. 

"We better go." She whispered at my neck. I sadly let her go, helping her stand. I picked up my tesseract, sliding it into a large holder at my side. We walked back to the battleground, now only a few scattered fights. My brother and the man with spangled pants, who Jen refers as Captain Pretty-Boy, were fighting a monster of sand. Man of Iron combating with an evil incarnate of the boy spider. Most of the Brotherhood had retreated, even Magneto was not to be seen. The others fought a man of green, flying on a bat like aircraft. This needed to end. I felt Jen grip on my hand, I looked down at her. Her eyes were still red, her face still had sadness in it, but she looked strong.

"Ready?" She asked, her voice much less weak than before.

I smiled down at her. "Of course."

"You help your brother, I'll go for Green Goblin." She ran out onto the streets, to help the one with red hair and my former minion archer. I sighed and traveled through mist, appearing next to my brother.

"Brother? Where did you come from?" He boomed, excited to see me.

"Thor you are INCREDIBLY loud!" Rubbing the part of my head not covered by my helmet. He hugged me tight and let me fall to the ground.

"It is so grand to see you again brother! I see the young one has gotten to you." He smiled at me again, I sneered, but didn't disagree.

"Uh, guys, nice family reunion but I could use a little help!" The man with the shield shouted at us. We rushed at the sand creature, Thor with Mjolnir, I with dark magic. After many blows the creature retreated into dusk and escaped through holes in the ground. I looked around again, my Jen and the others were securing the Goblin and the Man of Iron was resting from his fight. The war was over, the most painful part was yet to come. I looked at my brother again, he had his usual grin on his face. I smiled back.

"It is great to see you on our side Loki." Placing a large hand on my shoulder. I looked at Jennifer and back at Thor.

"It is, brother." I smiled softly. I could hear them all come up behind me, I turned to face everyone. The man of iron had Jen in bounds. I was furious.

"Why is she captured? If anyone is to blame it is me!" I shouted at Stark, standing close to stare down at him.

"She committed murder, she killed Spiderman. I saw the body for myself" The Captain said from behind me. I wipped around fast to face him.

"She did not. The spider saved her life." Glaring at this man.

"How do we trust either of you?" The woman with red hair asked. I looked at Thor with pleading eyes.

"Is this the truth, brother?" He asked me, his eyes confused but as always, trusting.

"It is, she has only done good this day." I spoke to him in a less furious tone. Thor turned to Iron Man.

"I believe him Stark." Thor spoke to him, coming to my side. Stark released her, she came stumbling to me. I held onto her shoulder to keep the poor girl from falling over, and held her close to let her lean on me for support. She sighed slightly and let me hold onto her. All her tension relaxed when she was close to me.

"We can't just leave her here, she needs to be watched over." The woman said more annoyed, crossing her arms.

"She will, I've talked with Xavier and the both of them agreed that Jen will go to his school." Tony spoke, looking at Jen and then me. He seemed more angry with me than normal. I wrapped one arm around her while she rested her head against my golden chest plate. I didn't want to let go of her, and I could feel that she wanted me close as well. I turned my head to Thor again.

"We must go, brother. You still must he held for your crimes against Midgard." She gripped onto my arm, I could feel some fear, both from her and my own.

"I know, Thor." Tony grabbed onto Jen's arm, pulling her away from me. He glared at me, holding Jen close to him with his arm. She looked from me to her uncle, I wanted to badly to run back to her. I could not look at her any longer, the thought of leaving formed tears in the corner of my eyes. I started to leave with Thor by my side, after some paces I looked back at the rest of them. Stark and the others had started to follow us, the Captain and Jen were speaking quietly. I shouted at Stark.

"May I at least say goodbye to her?" He looked at me for a long moment and finally considered.

"I suppose."


Hey guys! I was quick to write this chapter, what do you think? The link thing is important, it comes up a lot later. I'm going to try the next chapter soon, but I get pretty busy sometimes :S Thanks for reading! Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below, and if you like it, vote! 

Love ya'll!

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