Chapter 19: Losing Everything

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It seemed like the whole night we were talking, just about the most random things. Loki spoke of his family in Asgard, Odin and Frigg, Thor, his friends who he left behind. He reluctantly told me of his real heritage, the frost giants. I told him of my parents and of my guilt. I still wanted to ask him something, he said something about his feelings toward me, and I was dieing to know. I wouldn't pry though, I would know eventually. I always do. I woke up from my wonderful dream by the sound of Emily talking on the phone. Loudly. I looked around my room, the curtains were pulled shut yet a few beams of sunlight were peaking their way out. I tried to sit up but was met by multiple areas of pain, mostly my side and my head. I was able to stand slowly and change into something more comfortable. I did all my morning routine, checking on the weaponry, washing my face, brush my hair, and finally walked out into the living room. Emily was curled on the sofa with a small cup of coffee in one hand, holding her phone to her ear with the other. When she saw me she said goodbye to her friend, and waved me over. She held out to me a warm cup of coffee from the table in front of us. I took it with a small smile.

"I am so sorry about yesterday, Jen. I had no idea you guys wouldn't get along, and Jean was just rude!" I'm glad Emily was still on my side.

"It's alright, we've all had a rough day." Pearl jumped up and got in between us. She's grown slightly, she wasn't the little puff ball when we got her, but she was still petite and a beautiful black.

"You're going through a lot Jen, you just lost your boys and you suffered through a horrible battle. You sure you want to go today?" If I wasn't depressed, I'd laugh at her comment about Loki being "my boy".

"Emily, I don't want special treatment. Lets get some breakfast and go to Xaviers." I smiled and stood up to go to the kitchen.

"About that..." She said slyly behind me. I was confused until I stepped into our small kitchen. On the counter was a small bag from a breakfast place down the block. I looked in the bag to see my favorite breakfast items. A box of warm fluffy pancakes, a muffin, and sausage links. A ton of sausage links. I turned around to Emily smiling at me. I hugged her.

"You're always there for me Em." Realeasing her from my awkward 'hugging-you-with-a-cup-in-my-hand' hug.

"I know." She smiled back at me.

We happily ate our breakfast and got into more presentable clothing, and heading out the door to hail a taxi. Xaviers school was a close drive and not to expensive taxi fair. Kids were walking around the campus talking softly, some stared as Emily and I walked into the building. I tried to ignore it. One girl with long blond hair snickered as I walked past her. Happy thoughts..Happy thoughts...Don't go on a psychotic rampage...Happy thoughts....

We entered the wooden double doors and were greeted by Scott. "Good, you two are here. This isn't really a training day, so you guys can explore and get the hang of being here." He smiled at both of us. I smiled back, mostly because he's the first person here to be nice to me, or at least fake it.

Kitty came up from behind him and grabbed Emily's arm, and pulled her away down a corridor to show her something. Emily looked back, mouthing 'sorry!' as she left. I mouthed 'traitor' and stuck my tongue out at her. I was left alone with Scott, yippee. If that wasn't bad enough, he excused himself to deal with something. Now I really was alone. I started to wander down a hallway to my left, not many kids passed me. I was starting to enjoy the quiet when I heard something behind me, almost like a gust of wind, but not really. It sounded like something, disappeared? I looked behind me, nothing. Okay I'm hearing things. I started walking, when I heard it again, only closer. I turned again but nothing. Suspicious, I took another step and instantly turned around. Nothing again. I turned again and practically ran into someone. He was just as surprised as I was and jerked his hands out to steady me. I looked at him longer, he was tall with black curly hair, hazel eyes. His arms were fit and he was built pretty well. I stepped back and he started to apologize.

Jynx (An Avengers and Marvel fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant