Chapter 18: Aftermath

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I decided to stay away from Xaviers school today, most of the children were just coming back, carrying the wounded and trying to help each other. When they looked at me, most would glare. I didn't feel at all welcome there. I decided to walk back home, I was dead tired, and wanted to eat something in my own home. I haunted the blood spattered streets until reaching the lonely tower of my apartment complex. I was close to my door I could hear a few girls giggle. Bloody murder Em, who did you bring in our home....

I pressed my weight against the wood and turned the doorknob, it creaked as I entered. The force of a petite body attacked me along with worried banter.

"Oh Jen! Are you okay?!" I peeled Emily off of me and took a step back. She was cut and bruised but no serious damage.

Behind her were Kitty Pride and Jean Grey sitting on our couch. Oh joy.. Kitty was smiling as usual but Jean had this look on her face, that just makes me want to slap her. Emily returned to her seat on the couch, I sat on my usual velvet chair. The chair still had a hint of Norse god which lessened my tension. Jean cleared her throat and all eyes turned to her.

"Jen, we were just talking about yours and Emily's enrollment in our school. I'm sure you two will fit in just fine." She smiled at Emily. I knew Emily would fit in, she was bubbly and nice, who wouldn't love her. Me on the other hand, I doubt I would fit in.

"Yea, you two will be starting tomorrow. It's an everyday thing, but we only train a few hours. You'll get used to it." Kitty smiled at me, I tried to fake a weak grin back.

We talked awkwardly for another ten minutes, the awkward part being me being pretty much excluded from the conversation, when the topic dating came up. Emily stupidly mentioned that I am dating Peter Parker, she didn't know. I dug my nails into my thigh to hold back screaming and crying.

"How is Peter, Jen?" Kitty asked me.

"I guess it doesn't matter now.... Peter's Spiderman, and died during the battle." I chocked on my last couple words, my cheeks growing red and my eyes stinging. Emily practically screamed and ran over to hug me, I let her this time. I refused to cry in front of these X-kids. Kitty looked horrified and guilty when I looked at her, Jean held her sad expression.

"Who killed him. My money's on Loki." Jean said. If Emily wasn't on me I would have shot out of my chair.

"Why do you say that, Jean." I hissed.

"He's an emotionless villain, he stole the tesseract again, I saw him, I bet he killed Spiderman." She spoke sincerely but with humor in her eyes. Like she was saying this to get a reaction out of me.

"Spiderman died protecting me, and Loki's saved my life twice. I'd shut the hell up if I were you Jean." I snarled at her.

"Jen!" Emily got up and looked at me with her jaw slightly dropped. I glared at her.

"Don't worry Em, I wouldn't expect anything less from Loki's bitch." Her eyes gleamed golden red for a moment and returned to normal. What the hell was wrong with this chick? It was like she wasn't even her.

"Jean!" Both Kitty and Emily shouted. Jean shrugged and sank more into the couch. I stood and left, leaving them all behind.

I ran until my legs screamed at me to stop. I was in a shady part of town, it was dark out now, not many street lamps. I slowly walked to an alley where I couldn't be seen, sat on the ground and began to cry. I let it all out, all the emotion I had built up from seeing all of that. I clung to my clothes and cried sightly in the dark. I felt a small tug in the back of my mind. At first I ignored it but then I let the tugging come to the front of my mind. I refused to hear anything. I held my head in protest. It became a sharp pain in my mind and I started to black out. Soon all it was all dark, except for a presence in front of me. I looked up slowly, standing above me was Loki. He crouched down to be at my level, his eyes full of concern. I could feel sadness and pain from him.

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