that night

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On the night of rikuo's fourth birthday he meets a young girl while on a walk with his dad in the garden.

this young girl claiming to be rhian's daughter Started playing with rikuo running around having fun tell deep into the night.

As they all started walking back to the house so the now named rika could meet lady wakana rhian's currant wife. Then he see's a yamabuki rose Bush.

So rhian started reciteing the poem  from his late wife Yamabuki otome left for him.

sevenfold eightfold the yamabuki rose blooms but not a single fruit does not bear...

At this moment rika suddenly turns around and stabs rhian in the gut with a sword from seemingly nowhere.

In a panic rikuo trys to help his dad. Subconsciously activating his kami and yokai powers in the process.

The two ability saving rhian by altering the world around them for the sword to miss rhian barely only cuting his arm.

Well rikuo was saving rhian. rika was crying thinking she killed the only family she had left in the world.

Meanwhile on the street just outside of the nura mansion. a small man is running away thinking he just killed his greatest enemy and got himself a place in the nue's new kingdom soon enough hagoromo's visual will come to him so they may depart to Kyoto and start reiveing the nue.

Shortly afterwards rhian starts to wake up realizing his son now has a white stripe in his hair. (Temporally) Wondering what just happened he asks his son. Only to find out that he was attacked by his daughter for an unknown reason.

Rika still crying over rhian's saposive death suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder looking up she sees rhian asking if she is ok see smile and nods her head yes. But slowly asks how he is alive after what happened.

He just looks at her confused and asks if she means the sword attack. She then begins nodding again.

Showing her his arm he laughed and says. It takes alot more then this to kill a yokai. Exspasuly one as powerful as me He boasts.

Seeing the worried faces of his clan rhian decided to take the kids home first.

Later at the nura mansion

Rhian looks at rika and asks why did you attack like that anyway.

I don't know it's like something was controlling me when I heard that poem I blacked out. once I woke up you were on the ground with a sword in your stomach and you were bleeding out.

Rhian then asks what are you talking about.

Rikuo pipes up saying she's right dad you were stabbed in the stomach but somehow the sword moved to your arm like magic and the wound disappeared.

Rhian was confused at this and decided to ask some of the other yokai if they know anything like this.
So he called his most loyal followers and friends to ask them for answers.

Ones they were done listening to rikuo, rika and rhian's versions of the story. gyuki asks if he can test something on rikuo to see if his suspicions were correct.

Gyuki placed a paper on rikuo's head and it glows with writing appearing on it.

After the test gyuki reveals that "master rikuo awoke his yokai blood but he also seemed to awoke the blood of a kami from within himself."

Rhian just looks at gyuki like his crazy  and asks "how did my son get kami blood in his veins."

"I'm not sure lord rhian." At this moment wakana speaks up and tells them that her mom was the goddess Tsukuyomi. shocking everyone in the room.

She then tells the story of a young man meeting and filling in love with a goddess them having children together before revealing that she has the same lifespan as a yokai but no powers to speak of.

This upsets most of the yokai present for various reasons mostly because rikuo will not be able to learn what his kami powers can do. Some like rhian are upset that she hid this information from them for five years.

Wakana then apologized for keeping it a secret explaining the she was worried he might thing she was a monster and by the time she found out that he was a yokai she didn't know how to tell him about it.

Rikuo then asks rika why do you fox ears and nine tails.(rikuo can see souls)  Hearing this everyone froze in place. Rhian then asked rikuo what are you talking about son.

Rikuo replied she has fox ears on her head and nine tails what part was unclear about that.

Rika then tells them that she is the current vassal for hagoromo gitsune's soul but it seems to be dormant right now.

Rikuo then asks who is Hagoromo Gitsune and why is everyone so freaked out about rika being her vassal.

Nurarihyon then begins telling rikuo the story of Hagoromo Gitsune and his fight with her 400 years ago.

After hearing the story rikuo then asks why hagoromo was eating all those people anyway.

Rika tells rikuo about the nue. And about her death all these years ago.

Rikuo then asks if seimei is nice. Rika nods yes rikuo then trys accusing his kami powers again this time he opens a glowing portal and the nue steps out looking around he spots rikuo and asks if he received him.

Rikuo nod yes seimei then smiles thanking rikuo for that. (He also knows that rikuo is powerful enough to destroy his soul if angered so he's scared of rikuo) Then seimei spots rika and asks if she is ok after what happened to her today.

Everyone begins looking at him questionably he then looks down and tells them what happened about rika being yamabuki's desire for a child given physical form with his powers.

He also explained about the hundreds story clans plan to revive him and about Minagoroshi Jizō hypnotic powers that were used you control rika. Finally bowing before rhian and rika asking if they could forgive him for all that he did to them. Smiling rhian says he will if nue joins the night parade of one hundred demons.

Seimei thinks about it and agrees on the condition that he gets to rule over Kyoto again.

Rhian agrees and Hagoromo's soul appears before them smile thanking all of them of what they did.

Hagoromo then begins to disappear but before she fully dies she tells them that rika still has all her powers inside of her.
She then leans down and kisses rikuo on the cheek thanking him for reviving seimei for her.

Seimei then is handed a cup of sake and he plagues his loyalty to the nura clan.

That night they had the biggest party since the defeat of Hagoromo 400 years ago.

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