chapter 12

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A few day after their trip the Kiajuji paranormal Patrol notices yura is missing so they all split up to look for her.

After a few minutes rikuo arrived at an old building that yura's power was coming from so he goes in seeing yura nearly unconscious from over using her power in training. rikuo offers yura a cacolet bar he had in his pocket.(giving a similar story as canon) Yura thanks him.

then they hear a boys voice coming from behind them it was yura's big brother. Ryuji comes into the open area asking why yura is training in a place like this when she could be defeating the yokai all over Tokyo.

Upon seeing rikuo ryuji attacks him only for yura to block the attack ryuji then whisper into yura's ear that rikuo is a yokai. Yura not believing him jumps in front of rikuo to protect him from garo (gengen). she asks rikuo if he is human not believing that a yokai would be so nice to people. rikuo says yes I am human. yura happy at rikuo's answer turn to her brother.

trying to convince him rikuo is a good person. Ryuji still believing in his own superiority tell yura that she just broke keikain law. Yura blasts at him only to see it blocked by his talismans ryuji then sent garo after yura only for yura to stop it with Tanrō (wolf) who bites down on garo dispelling it.

Ryuji than comments about how yura is almost as talented as mamiru. He than starts sending multiple garos after yura and confusing her with false words.

He than hits her with a water bottle knocking her to the ground rikuo calls out to her trying to see if she's ok yura response " I'm ok nura I won't be devoured by garo" only to hear ryuji say " garo devour you? What are you saying? There's no way" then water starts coming out of yura's mouth.

ryuji then explain his spell and the false words he uses finishing with run gengen. As water stars exploding from yuras body ryuji then grabs yura by the shirt and says if she does not want to die she better wise up only to see yura disappear into a portal and appear in rikuo's arms on the other side of the building

"I'm sorry keikain but I can't stand it any longer. I dont care if your an onmyoji or a keikain. You hurt my friend and you do not get forgiven."

At this point the moonlight shines on rikuo reveling rikuo's god form (fanart from top of page just waring night rikuo's clothes) upon seeing this form ryuji thinks it rikuo's yokai form attacks only for the moonlight to dispel gengen before it can hit rikuo.

Rikuo then sits yura down behind some rubel and floats back towards ryuji.

ryuji then try gyogen only for the the flowers to disappear in to normal water. Ryuji surprised at this asks how are you doing this. Rikuo chuckles and says "simple I'm not no shikigami is willing to attack me because I'm not a yokai im a kami a deity so no mortal spirit human yokai or shikigami can harm me." (In this form atleast but it drains rikuo fast)
Ryuji think he's lieing trys to attack rikuo himself. he just passes right though and start freezing.

why are you so cold ryuji asks as he try to get a shikigami to appear (all his water is frozen) rikuo chuckles and says simple my body temperature is the some as the moons (2.7 Kelvin -270 Celsius) any other questions you disgrace to Amaterasu.

Ryuji not fully understanding what he meant by that order mamiru to attack mamiru trys only to pass through and start shaking from the cold.

Now with both of you unable to attack why don't you explain why you thought it was a good idea to attack a god. Yura then looks over and sees ryuji and mamiru shaking in front of rikuo.

yura then asks what rikuo did to them he's answer "nothing they tried attack me but start shaking one they passed their my incorporeal form.

Yura asks if he's human or yokai his answer "technically I am both as kami are just yokai who are worshipped instead of feared"

yura accept his answer then asks what he meant by disgrace to amaterasu. Rikuo chuckles says onmyoji were meant to protect humans not hunt yokai. Yura says what do you mean rikuo. Simple you aren't sapost to hunt yokai just stop yokai if they harm humans.

You onmyoji start this whole black and white absolute justice thing and amaterasu stop giving you power which is way all onmyoji since your 13 hear have been getting weaker the only exception are onmyoji who can understand that the world is not black and white and don't hunt yokai for sport onmyoji like you miss keikain. Rikuo says smiling to her.

Yura baffled by this asks how do you know this rikuo his answer "my grandmother and great aunt told me about it" yura then opens her mouth to speak but rikuo cuts her off says "my grandmother is tsukuyomi my aunt is Amaterasu."

Rikuo says powering down into his night form fricking yura out even more intell rikuo speaks asking if she does not like my embodiment of power. Yura only asks so the white haired yokai is you. Rikuo answer yes.

Yura then looks over to ryuji and ask why did you came here in the first place ryuji answer to get you to come back before hagoromo gitsune attacks kyoto.

Rikuo just chuckles and say her soul is in yomi now so she can't reincarnat anymore this confuses the onmyoji about how rikuo knows this but they shrug it off as Devine knowledge.

Mamiru then ask why do you look like nurarihyon rikuo's answer because he's my grandfather. Yura scream what you mean that nice old man is nurarihyon. Yep o buy the why it's the other side of my family my dad's side not my mom's who tsukuyomi child.

Ryuji leaves after finally warming up enough to move and mamiru runs scared to be around rikuo right now.

yura then asks if rika knows about the yokai thing. yes she does know she's known for aslong as I have. Rikuo then summons a portal to Kyoto for yura to go there and appear in front of the keikain mansion. Thanking rikuo she leaves.

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