chapter 10

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Rikuo (night form) is currently readying Nenekirimaru for the fight against tamazuki. Rika is preparing all of the tailed weapon she has at her disposal. (the weapons she keeps in her tails like the sword and fan)
As the sun begins to set all yokai from all over begins there trek to duraku Avenue (the street they fight on in the manga) for the final battle against tamazuki and what remains of his followers.

The group rikuo brings to the fight consists of rika, kurotabō, Aotabō, kappa, tsurara, kijoro, Kubinashi, shoei, zen, the samba garosu, and himself all over yokai ware instructed To meet up with nurarihyon and Inugamigyobu danuki to assist them in stopping tamazuki if needed.

At duraku Avenue

Tamazuki along with the remaining five members of the seven phantom traveler find rikuo and his group waiting for them on the street. tamazuki starts talking about how similar they both are. both being yokai/human hybrids with amazing power to rule over other yokai.
Only for rikuo to stop tamazuki by slowly moving towards him starting the 'war' between the two groups with autobō fighting te-arai oni, Kappa fighting gangi kozō, kijoro and Kubinashi fighting hari onna, the samba garosu fighting  inuhōō, Rikuo 'fighting' tamazuki.

autobō vs te-arai oni

Autobō is currently in what looks to be a sumo match against te-arai oni. both trying to push the other one out some imaginary ring on the ground. with te-arai oni seemingly winning. intell the skulls around autobō's neck start shaking violently then fly off making a real ring around the two of them. Autobō then looks at te-arai oni and says "its been a long time since I felt the full power I had as it normally causes problems for the human world because I'm so strong." Autobō then begins to crush te-arai oni into the ground in a matter of seconds wining the fight easily.

kappa vs gangi kozō

Kappa is currently running away from gangi kozō dodging his attack kappa seems to be looking for something gangi kozō begins taunting kappa about the running away. intell he finds a man hole cover hitting him in the face along with the water from kappa's attack knocking gangi kozō out almost instantly. Kappa wins

Kubinashi and kijoro vs hari onna

Kubinashi trys attacking hari onna with his string only for her to catching with her hook like hair and pull kubinashi in grabbing him with her hair. Only for kijoro to smack her away geting Kubinashi out in the process after being freed Kubinashi ties up hari onna's hair into a ponytail the kijoro knocks her out.
Kijoro wins.

The samba garosu  vs inuhōō

In the skys above the battle the samba garosu face off with inuhōō the three yokai siblings make short work of the bird ending it in only a few seconds.

meanwhile with rikuo

Rikuo using his yokai powers to sneak up on tamazuki who had to jump back to avoid rikuo's sword from cuting him.  Tamazuki feeling rikuo's yoki in the air starts to realize just how bad an idea this was. as rikuo begins bringing down the hilt of his sword nurarihyon stops him from knocking out tamazuki. Nurarihyon then asks that rikuo let Inugamigyobu danuki handle tamazuki instead. Rikuo agrees and begin walking away to his group who currently have all over members of the seven phantom traveler tied up awaiting orders from rikuo. Rika then see yura running towards the battle field and transforms in to her fox form then she lies down for rikuo can rest against her stomach while they listen to Inugamigyobu danuki decision with his son. Nurarihyon sits dow next to rikuo and waits and trys to decide what to do with tamazuki.

So after yura arrives seeing a group of yokai tied up another group setting down watching a giant danuki beat up a high school student she's about to fire her rentei only to stop when she hear the giant danuki say "my foolish son why did you have to try and attack the nura like that" she then witnesses the giant danuki pickup the high school student and hears said student call the danuki his father this confuses yura and she stops to try and figure out what's going on right now.

At this moment rikuo sees yura standing there obviously confused about what she heard rikuo walks over to her and says "what naver seen a person disciplining there kid before or is it that you naver know that hanyō ( half yokai) exist. Yura then jumps away scared as she did not sense his presence at all. She then asks what he means by hanyō. Rikuo just chuckles and says " you know half human half yokai a hanyō." Yura even more confused asks how he knows about this hanyō thing. Rikuo laughing again says " I know about them because I am one. Now even more confused yura just stares at him rikuo geting bord disappears from yura side and reappears setting down with his head on rikas stomach.

After that Inugamigyobu danuki in bowing before rikuo and nurarihyon asking to please spare his son nurarihyon leaves the choose to rikuo who gives them one contains for him to spare tamazuki's life to honor tamazuki fallen comrades. Inugamigyobu danuki agrees and they both leave accompanied by all members of the seven phantom traveler except inugami and lord Sodemogi who both past away already.

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