chapter 8

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Tamazuki ordered sodomogi to attack the nura clans shrine's to try and undermine their power. Sodomogi goes up to the shrine pulls on a young mans kimono and see kurotabo smiling sodomogi tells him he will be cursed now only to die as two hundred sword impaled him kuro says "fine take the sleeve and the sword inside". Kuro then calls rikuo telling him that the yokai is now dead (rikuo is spying on tamazuki with a small bug yokai).

The next day

Rikuo and rika are geting ready for school when garasu flys in to Inform rikuo about the small attack at yokai alleys last night two Shikoku yokai started attacking luckily ryota managed to stop them with no casualties.

At school

Rikuo is told that Kiyotsugu is trying to run for student body president. Rikuo is then asked to act as vice president because he is one of the most popular students in the school. (mostly because he is nice to everyone and does their work for them) rikuo agrees and starts quickly writing a speech for the assembly. (mostly a speech from the local yakuza group leaders pieced together and changed for a school setting) Kiyotsugu hands rikuo a speech filled with yokai mentions rikuo reminds him that not everyone like yokai. He then goes back to writing his speech.

The assembly timeskip rikuo's turn

Rikuo is handed the mic by the other vice president candidate. She knows she going to lose because of all the chairing once rikuo stepped on stage.

Rikuo starts his speech. ( sorry can't think of a good speech so timeskip)
Rikuo then sees inugami's head coming towards him so he actives his power to stop it inugami's face goes from one of anger to fear in a millisecond. Rikuo smiling tells the students that "Kiyotsugu did not listen to my advice about the fake yokai props. I am so sorry if it scared anyone." Rikuo then grabs inugami's head and starts walking away only to hear Kiyotsugu burst forth from the screen behind rikuo and look stupid in front of the whole school. Rikuo then sees inugami's head disappear into a bunch of leaves. Rika smiles calling the main house about the attack and informs them that the hunt is on.

Timeskip after school

Yura asks kana and rika to talk about what happened today they both agree and go with yura to the park. She asks how long they have known rikuo for and how they meet. kana says similar things to canon. Rika tell yura for about eight years now we meet shortly after my mom passed away and I was told about rhian. Yura thinking they may know about what happened today start asking a lot of questions about rikuo eventually rika stops yura and asks in a seemingly demonic voice "do you have a crush on rikuo yura". Yura at that moment trys not to pass out from fear tells them " no no no you have it all wrong I only want to know why a yokai was attacking rikuo is all" rika then looks at her evily and says "good" kana then asks why yura thinks that head was real and not a fake like rikuo said it was.

Because it was dripping blood real blood. Kana then looks at her and says "ya Kiyotsugu filled it with pigs blood." Yura looks sceptical of that answer but relents as not to anger rika anymore. ( she only just shaw rika anger the same anger that scares Seimei.)

At the nura mansion

Rikuo, rika, gyuki, zen and shoie are all having a meeting to decide how to stop the Shikoku yokai in Tokyo.
Without killing them because nurarihyon asked rikuo to spare tamazuki because of Inugamigyōbu Danuki's request and his help in ruling Shikoku for them. (it is on the other side of the country almost)

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