chapter 9

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A few days ago

Nurarihyon is walking down a old mountain pass to Inugamigyōbu Danuki shrine. We he arrived at the shrine Inugamigyobu danuki asks "to what do I owe the pleasure supreme commander"

nurarihyon then explained about mucii's actions in Tokyo.

Inugamigyobu danuki apologized of what happened and explained about how his son one day killed all of his siblings in a fit of madness and went to gather followers one of them being mucii. Nurarihyon asks if he has any idea why his son attacked a yokai lord. In the middle of his territory no less. Danuki only begged nurarihyon to please not kill any more of his yokai and to let him deal with his son and the other Shikoku yokai instead of the mass slaughter that is the only known out come of attacking a nura's loved ones.

Nurarihyon agrees as he does not want to slaughter the Shikoku yokai over something so small as an attack that did not kill any of his forces and only injured a few.

Back with rikuo present time

Rikuo and rika are currently looking over a map of Tokyo to choose the battle ground to stop tamazuki when a small spider yokai crawls it's way up to them and says that tamazuki is going to attack as soon as his army gets here masters.

Rika smiles and says he's going to be waiting for a long time as they are all out of commission thanks to seimei ( the group of yokai that Kyōkotsu called them about back in chapter 5)

Rikuo stell looking at the map asks if any yokai has seen grandfather yet. The voice of Kuroumaru come from outside telling rikuo that "lord nurarihyon is currently on a train heading towards tokyo with lord Inugamigyobu danuki to try and stop his son before anymore yokai die from his son stupidity." "Atleast that what the danuki said was his reason for coming" says Tosakamaru landing next to his brother and bowing to rikuo.

Good so he should be here soon maybe tamazuki will listen to his father and not have to be killed for attacking the nura clan. Rikuo says still not liking the idea of killing those that disobeyed you when it did no permanent harm to the clan or their loved ones.

Meanwhile with nurarihyon

So Inugamigyobu what is your plan to stop your son from dieing needlessly.

I plan to remove the devil's hammer from tamazuki's presence and destroy it. I hope that will break the spell it has on tamazuki and stop the needless killing of my people by tamazuki before it begins.

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