chapter 11

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A few weeks later

The kiajuji paranormal Patrol is currently discussing about a trip to try and help a young girl by the name of Shinako Suganuma who house is being hunted by jyami a local yokai after some heated words they agree to go.

In shinako's town

Rikuo and rika are currently enjoying the summer air when a local thagh guy trys hitting on rika. Rikuo steps in and trys to pull rika away from the boy when he grabs rikuo by the wrist and asks who he is. Rika's answer "my boyfriend" Upon hearing this the hooligan trys punching rikuo only to be stopped by rikuo's hand grabbing his fist and then he sees all the yokai standing behind rikuo (local yokai trying to get on rikuo's good side) he then pissed his pants and runs away.
Rika then scolds the small yokai for scaring the human so much then they hear kana calling them over to see something so they move on rikuo grabbing rikas hand to stop anymore idiots from hitting on her.

At Shinako Suganuma house

The Kiajuji paranormal group find a young girl standing outside the mansion she looks over to them she quickly runs up to rikuo thinking he's Kiyotsugu and comments on how he looks like a unreliable glasses guy (whatever that means) then instantly she turns around and insulted Kiyotsugu hair geting a small chuckle out of rika. She then introduced herself as Shinako Suganuma and invites them in not to confidence in ther ability to stop the yokai as they walk into the house rikuo hears a voice say "say away from that girl" rikuo turns around and sees a tall man who's face is covered with talismans standing by a tree he then disappears.

In shinako's room

Upon entering the room the paranormal Patrol see a lot of talismans and two people in the room a man dressed in onmyoji robes and a woman dressed in normal clothes.

The woman shinako's mother asks if shinako brought someone new to purify the home and also commits that the priest comes everyday to try shinako's response "because nothing that shrine does has worked" she than goes to the centre of the room and says it was right here. "It appeared here yesterday too as if to look over me. he stares at me" Kiyotsugu than asks if that is all he does

shinako than pulls up her arm and shows them a bruise that looks like four fingers. Rikuo looks surprised at this as he heard that it was a non corporal yokai. Rika is just standing there not really caring about the story as jyami is not a strong yokai even if he becomes corporal. All he does is fight for a master according to the legend she heard from yokai around here (the small yokai they meet earlier) nothing her or rikuo have to worry about tsurara maybe but not them.

Later that night

The girls are all geting ready for bed while the guys are geting ready for petrol maki is asking about cute looking guys at shinako's school rika and kana are changing into their nightgowns when kana asks if jyami is a dangerous yokai.

Rika just chuckles and says no it is basically an attack dog nothing to worry about. it won't attack unless its master orders it to or if you hurt its master. We are probably safe as I dont think its master knows about us so it will ignore us unless we attack it first.

But if you want I'll sleep with you to scare it away rika says grabbing kana's shoulders. kana pulls away and says no no that won't be necessary. Rika then pouted saying ok how about I sleep next to you then is that better for you kana nods yes.

With the boys

Rikuo is listening to Kiyotsugu talk about jyami and his research on this areas yokai legend when he sees something moving down a hall towards the girls room rikuo chases after it trying to find out what it is when hes attack by another spirit that is not a yokai. Kiyotsugu trying to follow rikuo gets stopped by rikuo telling him to go back to the others as they are not yokai.

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