Chapter 3: Talk of war

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(Harper's pov)

As nightfall fell on the Edge, many of the pirate captains here were already gathered in the Great Hall, so with everyone gathered I decided to get this meeting underway. Looking down near the head table where all the top captains at the Edge gather, I squat and pick up a cannonball resting inside a container and bang it on the table, effectively silencing all conversation. Once everyones attention was on me, I nodded at all the captains and their quartermasters and spoke out. "First off all, thank you all for gathering here. We have much to discuss." I then dropped the cannonball back in the container it rested in and continued. "King George II of England has declared war on all pirates. Thousands of our brothers and sisters who sailed beneath the black are now dead and their deaths are a clear message from the English to us, that they intend to kill us all."

"And what exactly do you expect us to do? We aren't soldiers!" An older pirate captain barked out, causing many to roar in agreement, Harper however shot that older man a glare and countered. "On the contrary. Many of us were once soldiers who served England and Spain. We all know how these two empires operate, what lengths they'll go to kill us and we all know that they see us not as human beings, but as animals that demand to be slaughtered." Driving my fist into the table, I then look that older captain right in the eyes and seethed out. "We will all fight for our freedom. Our enemy will not be taking prisoners, they'll kill us all and ensure our legacies are erased from history!" Looking up at every captain gathered, I nodded firmly and boom out. "This is a call to war. And you will answer that call."

"Fair enough. But need I remind everyone gathered here that we're about to go to war against the British Empire?"

I laid eyes on a bulky pirate that had three slashes going down his left eye and a 'Y' shaped scar on the right side of his face that went up to his eye, he had spiky crimson hair and a shaggy beard, he wore a tan tunic, dark brown leather pants and boots. He was reclined in his seat, rested his feet on the table while twirling a throwing knife in his right hand expertly, his piercing green eyes bore right into mine, I cocked my head slightly at him and ask. "What's your name?" The man stops twirling his throwing knife, he then proceeds to stab it in the table and gives me an innocent smile. "Dufresne, but uh... my men call me Dagur. Dagur the Deranged, captain of the Berserker." He answered while extending his arms out.

Nodding in acknowledgment at Dagur, I then reply to his earlier words. "Whether you wish to participate in this war or not is up to you. But this war is going to happen, like it or not." I said firmly.

"With half the British navy in play along with England's best pirate hunters? We're going to need an army if we hope stand a chance. Our numbers here may be large, but... they aren't large enough to repel thousands of trained British soldiers and hunters." Sinbad stated, he then shrugged lightly. "Where do you purpose we find the numbers to join in our fight?"

"I have someone in mind." Madison spoke up, she looked to me and I nodded at her to go ahead, rising from her seat, she cleared her throat and gave her suggestion. "Ching Shih. She commands over forty thousand Chinese pirates in the Red Flag Fleet. She... was actually my mentor for a time and she's strong in a fight." Madison's suggestion came to a surprise to many, but Ching Shih was a very good suggestion, and her numbers could be a valued addition to our own.

But we needed more manpower as well as firepower.

"And I have another potential ally in mind." I said, looking at everyone gathered, I revealed who it was I had in mind. "Darius Bludvist." Many of the captains gathered murmured amongst themselves in uncertainty, and I don't blame them in the slightest. Darius Bludvist is one of, if not the most ruthless pirate in our world today, not only that but he commands over almost one million men and women under the black flag, that and he has one of the largest fleets on the high seas, he and three pirate warlords all have united their men, weapons, resources and ships as one force and they could be a vital piece against the incoming invaders.

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