Chapter 17: Preparation

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(Normal pov)

The Chimera made landfall at a massive island that was rich with fresh water and the trees were plentiful with coconuts, bananas and mangos. Sinbad and the remainder of his crew took this time to careen their ship and repair any extensive damage caused by the storm they survived weeks ago, but despite having to get the Chimera seaworthy again, the crew of this ship were beyond relieved to be on land again.

Sinbad was currently finishing a mango he had retrieved from a tree that bore the fruit, he made sure to feed Spike as well, the poor dog was skinner than usual due to food deprivation, but the dog looked happy being on land as well as the rest of the Chimera's crew. Marina approached Sinbad and Spike, she crouched down to the dog and cooed affectionately while the ship dog growled contently and licked Marina's chin, causing the woman to chuckle and scratch the dogs head affectionately.

"Have you had your fill of fresh water and food?" Sinbad asked, Marina looked up at her man and nodded. "I have. Kale and a handful of men have gathered weeks worth of fresh water and food here, the rest of the men are still at work careening our beloved ship." Sinbad nodded in acknowledgment as he watched the remainder of his men careen and repair the ship, letting out a heavy sigh, Sinbad murmurs out. "We've lost so many friends out there. I just hope their deaths weren't in vain."

"They won't." Marina said firmly as she stood up to Sinbad and grabbed both his hands, interlacing their fingers together. "We're going to find Captain Shih and her Red Fleet, we're going to return to Harper and aid him and we're going to strike a blow that will cripple the British Empire." Sinbad smiled and nodded at his woman's words, but before he could respond, he heard exclamations and voices where the Chimera was being careened. Both Sinbad and Marina saw handfuls of Chinese pirates exit the thick jungle and they were armed to the teeth, shouting in Chinese at the men who sailed the Chimera.

Running towards the groups of Chinese pirates, Sinbad and Marina held their hands up as some of the foreign pirates aimed their swords and guns in their direction. One of the pirates, who was female approached, her ebony hair was flowing down her back, yet a bun was tied behind her head with a crimson blooming flower hair pin sticking through her hair. She wore crimson and black leather armor and boots, she had a katana strapped to her curvy hips and two flintlocks strapped to her thighs. The woman appeared to be in her late thirties, she was beautiful and she looked battle hardened, to Sinbad and Marina's surprise, the pirate then spoke fluent English, yet her accent was still there.

"I am Ching Shih, captain of Devil's Fire and leader of the Red Sail Fleet. Who are you and why are you here?"

Sharing a quick look, Sinbad and Marina nodded before the Chimera's captain cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Mistress Ching, my name is Sinbad, captain of the Chimera. Me and my crew come on behalf of Captain Harper Haddock of the Night Fury. We're here to extend a hand of invitation to join our brothers in the West Indies to expel British forces that were sent to kill us." Ching smiled lightly and placed her hands on her waist. "Fortune seems to favor you Captain Sinbad, me and my Red Sail Fleet are already on our way to the West Indies and to join the fight." Both Sinbad and Marina grinned at this news and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Excellent. Unfortunately my ship suffered damage in a storm and I lost half of my crew due to dehydration and food deprivation when my ship was becalmed." Sinbad confessed, he then gestured to the tipped over Chimera. "My men were in the process of repairing and careening it. Perhaps it would go faster if some of your men aided mine?" Ching nodded and turned to her men and spoke Chinese.

"Zôu. Bāngzhù tāmen."

Her men nodded and approached Sinbad's men to aid them in finish preparing the Chimera to be seaworthy. Captain Shih then looked out towards the horizon and asked. "Have you seen the forces our enemies have at their disposal?" Marina stepped up and answered the Chinese warlord. "No. We set sail before our enemy arrived, however we were led to believe you were in China." Shih turned to face Marina and nodded. "I was. However, me and my people wished to go to war after news of the thousands of our pirate brethren were hung in London. We left China as soon as the news reached us and have been sailing for months." Sinbad stepped up and nodded. "With you by our side? We'll have the advantage of numbers. But I don't wish to keep Captain Haddock waiting any longer than he already has for us, once repairs on my ship are complete? We should sail immediately."

A pirates life for me (A Httyd Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora