Chapter 19: How the "mighty" have fallen

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(Harper's pov)

"Is it wise doing this? Burying up our money? This plan of yours is going to work Harper, and yet... your acting as if we've already lost."

Wiping the sweat off my brow, I turn to Madison and reply back to her words. "Lets just say I'm taking... precautions." I was in the middle of burying the treasure in our possession, which would also serve as our treasury for this pirate and African maroon enterprise. Tulio, Miguel and Chel were present as well as they watched me bury the treasure in the ground, the ebony haired con turned to Madison and nodded at her. "Harper's right. If all else fails? Then the British seize this fortune and we'd have no means to purchase what we need to survive, thats if our enemy doesn't kill us all first."

"Thats not going to happen!" I said firmly at Tulio, I then gestured to the chests filled to the brim with gold and continued. "This is just a precaution, nothing more." I then proceeded to shovel up piles of dirt to cover up our wealth, while looking up at Tulio, who had a worried look on his face. "If we live by days end? We'll dig it back up Tulio, you needn't worry."

"Easy for you to say kid, you're burying my share of that gold in the ground, and I don't even know if I'll live long enough to ensure I can spend any of it." Tulio said with a childish pout, causing Madison, Miguel and Chel to roll their eyes and murmur under their breaths, about how the ebony haired con was acting like a child. Once I had finished burying or shared treasury, I wiped the sweat off my brow and exhaled while looking up into the evening sky, stars glistening in the darkness and the full moon shone its elegant rays down upon us, bathing us in its silver gleam.

Turning back to Madison and the three captains of the El Dorado, I nod at them and spoke firmly. "Our scouts informed us that the British forces will be arriving by dawn, they'll deploy their troops on the sand only to find us slowing them down with the defenses we've set up on the beach. We won't waste our time fighting them directly, when one line of the defense has fallen? We lead them to the next one and the next one until their numbers are all but depleted. Meanwhile, I've received word from Nu via carrier owl that her ship as well as Darius's fleet should arrive just in time to surprise our enemies from the rear."

"What of Sinbad and Marina? Do you believe they'll arrive on time to aid us?" Madison asked, turning to my woman, I smile lightly at her and nod. "The Chimera is a fast ship, I'm sure he and Marina will arrive with Captain Shih and her Red Sail Fleet." Madison approached me and grasped my hands, causing me to interlace her fingers through mine and we looked into each others eyes. "I want you and your crew to be the last line of defense for the maroon city." Madison frowned at my words and shook her head. "No. I will stand by your side and see this fight finished."

"I only request this because I wish to see you out of harms way--"

"Your concern is duly noted and appreciated my love, but I will not permit this."

I caressed Madison's cheek lovingly, causing her to lean into my touch and kiss my hand. "I suppose there's nothing I can do to change your mind is there?" I asked teasingly, Madison merely smirked and pecked my lips. "No, I'm afraid not." She replied, nodding, I turn to the El Dorado captains and dismiss them, they nod and took their leave.

"Come, let us go to bed." Madison purred. "The sun will be up in a few hours, and its going to be a very trying and bloody day." She added, causing me to nod in agreement, she then led me back towards where we were staying in the maroon city. During the walk back to our hut, I couldn't help but think about my parents, who were murdered in cold blood by my own countrymen.

Tomorrow would be the day where I would fight tooth and nail to avenge their deaths, tomorrow would be the day where I would unleash great violence upon King George's men and tomorrow would be the day where every pirate and former African slave would cripple an empire who threatened our freedom, liberty and well being.

A pirates life for me (A Httyd Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora