Chapter 4: Determination

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(Normal pov)

A small of fleet of pirate ships were completely surrounded by the massive monster that was half the British navy and the fleet of hunters all led by Vaughn Grimborn. It didn't take long for the English fleet to complete decimate the small fleet of pirate ships, however, Vaughn ordered that the pirate command ship was to be boarded, so the George's naval commanders obeyed their commanding officer for the time being and allowed Vaughns flagship, Reaper to board that pirate vessel.

Once boarding that pirate vessel, Vaughn and his hunters engaged the pirates in heated combat. As pirates rushed at Vaughn, the pirate hunter cut them all down as if it were child's play, with a neutral expression on his face. These... animals who appear to be men aren't worthy adversaries, they're nothing more than a nuisance that will be swatted out of existence.

Vaughn smoothly dodged a blow to his head, then ran his sword through a female pirate whose war hammer he had just avoided. The pirate gasped, looked at Vaughn with her eyes bugging out, and then fell dead, and so Vaughn moved onto his next opponent.

The pirate hunter was enjoying the battle. There was something about the rending of flesh and the spilling of pirate blood that made him high. The air smelled of blood, gun powder, steel and salt, and he wished he had the time to just drink of that scent.

Vaughn witnessed as one of the pirates smashed his warhammer into one of his men's head. The man's skull split and his brains leaked out as he crashed to the deck of the ship, that pirate then charged the hunter leader, but Vaughn drew out a flintlock pistol strapped to his left thigh and shot the pirate right in the heart, killing the pirate instantly.

Soon enough, the head pirate hunter was engaged in a heated blade lock with another pirates, who actually managed to pin Vaughn's back against the railing of the pirate vessel, the pirates blade was inches away from the hunters neck, but Vaughn let out a snarl and kicked the pirate in the groin, successfully staggering the pirate and causing him to back off. Vaughn however pressed his attack and managed to slice off that pirates sword hand, causing the hunters opponent to scream in agony while clutching his rapidly bleeding stump that own held his right hand, Vaughn then silenced that pirates screams forever by sticking his sword straight through the pirates mouth.

Quickly pulling out a flintlock pistol tucked behind his back, Vaughn cocked the pistol and fired a charging pirate armed with an axe, the shot hit the pirate right between the eyes and dropped him instantly. Casting aside that pistol, Vaughn laid eyes on a pirate that was a mountain of muscle, this hulking man too was armed with an axe and was easily killing any of the hunters that engaged him.

So, making his way over to this mountain of a man, Vaughn pulled out a second flintlock strapped to his hip and fired, the shot struck the massive pirate in the shoulder, causing the man to cry out in pain and fall to his knees. Racing over towards the downed pirate, Vaughn raised his blade to strike, but he was surprised that this mountain of a man reacted in time to halt his attack. Shaking off the pain of getting shot, the massive pirate rose to his feet and then kicked Vaughn's left knee in, causing the hunter to grunt in pain and fall down, he then rolled away just as the pirates axe embedded itself on the deck of the ship. Drawing out a his long knife, Vaughn plunged his smaller blade into the pirates leg, causing the bulky man to scream in agony.

The big man kicked Vaughn across the face, causing blood and spit to fly out of the hunters mouth, quickly getting back up on his feet. Vaughn sidestepped another fatal strike and swung his sword, but the hulking pirate spun around and caught it on the head of his axe. He met Vaughn's eyes, and he saw nothing but twisted malice and obsession there.

Vaughn then drew back from him, jumped out of the way of his axe, just as the pirates axe split a piece of the deck. Seeing the opportunity, Vaughn took one of the splintered pieces and threw it at him, the massive pirate was clipped on the shoulder, sharp wood tearing through his tunic and his flesh. He yelled in pain and fury, swung his axe to chop off Vaughn's head, but the hunter ducked and kicked out, hitting him in the stomach and sending him reeling backwards.

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