Chapter 7: Preparation

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(Normal pov— On board the Chimera)

Sinbad was steering his ship out in the North Pacific Ocean, he had ensured his ship was carrying enough provisions, water and supplies to last for quite some time, because China was a long journey from Dragon's Edge and it was imperative that they reach Ching Shih at the soonest opportunity. The captain of the Chimera smirked slightly at the sight of his dog Spike chasing one of his crew members because he was munching down on several strips of jerky strips.


Turning to his left, Sinbad smiled lightly at the sight of his African quarter master— Kale. Like many of his people, Kale too was a former slave, but Sinbad and Marina freed him and handfuls of slaves that worked a sugar plantation at the Boston colonies.

"Kale. How can I be of service?" Sinbad asked as he continued steering his ship, the Chimera's quarter master then spoke what was on his mind. "Do actually think Harper has a chance at swaying Darius to join this war? No disrespect, since you and Marina practically raised him, but... Darius isn't exactly an easy one to do business with, considering his animalistic reputation." Humming in agreement at Kale's words, Sinbad then looked into his quarter masters eyes and smirked. "Rest your mind my friend, Harper's mind is sharper than any sword, and when that lad sets his mind onto something? There's nothing that'll stand in his way."

"Aye, I'll not disagree with you on that point." Kale said, he then licked his lips and shook his head slightly. "But what if Darius turns down this call to war? His support is critical to our cause, we all know this. So I ask again, what is Darius turns down this call to war?" Sighing heavily, Sinbad pursed his lips in thought, they all know of Darius's reputation for being... unreasonable at times, but to reject a war that threatens to tear down everything he has built— the wealth he has gathered, the men and women who've joined him or under his command and the fleet he has amassed.

Thats just insanity.

"Well... if Darius does in fact run away from a fight like this? Then I'd wager he and his warlords would engage in a civil war with each other; lines will be drawn, blood would spilled and crews would go their separate ways, eventually getting killed by the British forces en route the Bahamas or because of their own stupidity." Sinbad said, he then turned to Kale and looked his quarter master in the eyes and concluded. "Our survival rests on Harper's shoulders. And I have absolute faith in the lad. Like I said earlier, when he sets his mind to something? There's nothing that'll stand in his way to seeing that desire or goal come to pass."

(Harper's pov)

As we stood on the beach, I was preparing myself for this duel against Darius, those who sailed beneath Bludvist's command and that of his warlords had all gathered to bare witness to this fight, all of them were placing wagers on how long I'd last in this fight for control over Darius's pirate regime. Looking to the hulking pirate himself, I saw him remove a prosthetic arm where his left arm ought to be, the prosthetic arm itself is as big as his right arm, but even though he only had one good arm? I'd be a fool to underestimate him.

Sighing heavily, I removed my black leather jacket and handed it over to Flint as I took one of my flintlock pistols that was tucked behind my back and ensured it was loaded, it was. I then pulled out Inferno that was strapped to my belt, this weapon belonged to a Viking ancestor of mine called Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, my Norwegian ancestor claims that actually fire breathing dragons existed during his time and that Inferno wasn't just a weapon, but it was a tool to make aggressive dragons docile and calm.

"You can't win."

Turning around, I laid eyes on a legendary pirate war chief from Africa, who goes by the name of Black Caesar. Not only did he supposedly possess the strength of ten men, but he once serve beneath the legendary Edward Teach, he's also intelligent and he stood as a son to Darius, his supposed heir to this entire pirate regime.

A pirates life for me (A Httyd Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu