Chapter 6: Challenge

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(Harper's pov)

As Krogan led us to where Darius was residing, I couldn't help but silently agree with the Thorston twins, I was getting an uneasy feeling creeping in my gut. Many of the men and women apart of Darius's forces are strong, hard and ferocious people; they aren't weak, too scared to pick fights and they certainly aren't cowards.

Just the type of people we need if we are to fight England.

But first we have to convince Darius to join our fight, and who knows how that will go.

I could see Darius's men engaged in a ferocious fight, while handfuls of men circled around the two men that were quite literally bashing each others faces in, the sight of such raw brutality caused Timothy and Rachel to smirk at each other and lick their lips in approval and glee. Sean was definitely masking his uneasiness and fear with strength, the same could be said about Flint, Eli too looked uneasy, but he stood firm and focused on the task at hand.

Looking behind us, I could see Madison and her own vanguard catching up to us and a massive crowd of Darius's men following us to where their captain resided. Once Madison and her vanguard walked along side ours, she turned to me and murmured out. "We're particularly popular." I snickered lightly and nodded in agreement, looking into her beautiful green eyes, I murmur back. "Lets hope Haiti isn't the last place we see." Madison hummed in agreement and then turned her eyes forward, as did I.

Krogan then led us up towards a large tent that was pitched up right at the entrance of where Darius's men and the Haitian people have built a massive city together. Turning around to face myself, Madison and our combined vanguard's, Krogan gave us a stern look and spoke firmly. "Wait here." The light skinned man entered the tent and all we could do at the moment was hold our breath and pray that Darius would grant us an audience.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I cast my eyes down at the sand beneath my right foot and left prosthetic foot and run a hand through my hair, sometimes a habit of mine turning times of stress or anxiousness. I then felt someone interlace their fingers with mine, I turned to my right to see Madison giving me a reassuring smile and murmuring into my ear. "Don't worry. He'll grant you an audience." I snort lightly at her words and shrug. "How can I know for sure?" Before she could could answer, the tent opened and Krogan stepped out, the light skinned man opened the flap of his captains tent and nodded at me. "He'll grant you an audience." I release a breath I didn't know I was holding and make my way inside the tent.

Once inside, I laid eyes on Darius Bludvist himself, his back was all I could see at the moment, he was wearing dark blue leather armor, his messy dreadlocks were tied behind his head in a ponytail and judging by the way he was hunched over the table? He was going over maps and coordinates. Clearing my throat, I then speak firmly. "Captain Bludvist. Thank you for granting me an audience, shall we discuss the reason for my visit?"

"I know why you're here Haddock." Darius said, he stood up straight and turned around to face me, he was a giant, but his intimidating height, physic and reputation didn't frighten me. "You came here because you want the aid of myself, my warlords and our combined crews and people to aid you in the war against England."

Nodding in confirmation, I gesture outside the tent and speak clearly and firmly. "You've made Haiti strong. I saw four forts on the walk to your tent, and by the look of them? They're armed with well over a hundred guns or more. If anyone dared challenge your claim to this island? Whether it be England or Spain? They'd be in for a most unwelcome surprise." Taking a step forward, I form my left hand into a fist and pounded my chest and continued. "That is what I want to make Dragon's Edge. The whole Bahamas!!" A smile graced my face and I raised my eyebrows at Darius. "Think about it. If we were to control all of the West Indies? Find partners that can sell the goods we've claimed from the prizes we took? Trained new men and women who seek sanctuary here to join this pirate republic? We'd be unstoppable!"

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