Chapter 16: Passionate bliss

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A/N: So, Harper and Madison have hot, steamy sex in this chapter, just a quick heads up. Also, we're nearly done with this story and then I'm taking a break and gather mental strength back and then I'll hopefully get back to writing. But real life is showering me with a lot of issues that I need to settle. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

(Normal pov— Tortuga, Haiti)

The Tempest anchored off the coast of Tortuga, meanwhile Nu, Harald and handful of men rowed to land to gather supplies and find out if any of the pirates here knew where Harper and the rest of the crews from Dragon's Edge are at the moment. Once making landfall, Nu and Harald exited the longboat and made their way into the town while the small group of men from the Tempest ensured the longboat wouldn't drift out to sea.

As Nu and Harald were approaching a merchant selling cannon powder as well as shot, they heard someone clear their throat, both captain and quarter master of the Tempest laid eyes on Krogan, Darius Bludvist's second in command. The quarter master of the Conquerer was eating an apple and finished swallowing a mouthful of the fruit before approaching Nu and Harald. "How it is to see you two again." Nu sighed heavily at Krogan and crossed her arms across her chest. "It has Krogan. Tell me, does Darius still miss me and my crew being a part of his fleet?" Krogan took the last bite out of his apple before tossing the core on the ground and nodded. "He does. You and your men were a valuable addition to our numbers. It was a shame to watch you brake off from us."

"We left because Bludvist decided to rot here in Haiti." Harald stated, while stroking his barn owls head. "All of those men, those ships and resources were rotting away here and you do nothing to get Bludvist off his arse and actually do something with this fleet of combined crews!" Krogan turned to Forkbeard and frowned at him before nodding in agreement, the African pirate then turned back to Nu and shrugged. "Well, Darius is in the tavern here. He's been with his harem of women for days, trying to breed with them and produce an heir to inherit this pirate fleet." Rolling her eyes at this news, Nu nodded and replied back. "He's been breeding with his harem for years and none of those whores have produced him a child." Krogan hummed in agreement, the man then cocked his head lightly at Nu. "I assume you and your crew are here to retrieve supplies and to rejoin the fight against the British?"

"Correct." Harald answered, Forkbeard's barn owl who was on his shoulder glided down to his right arm and latched on, causing Harald to rest his hand on the hilt of his sword, strapped to his waist. Nu took a step towards Krogan and raised her eyebrows in question. "Darius turned down Harper's invitation to join the fight, didn't he?" Krogan nodded in confirmation, causing Nu to scoff in disbelief. "Are you and the rest of the warlords under Bludvist's command really wish to rot on this island? Because it seems to me like you're all now slaves to him now." Krogan's face twisted in anger and he bore his teeth at Captain Stormheart. "I am not his slave." He said firmly.

"Is that so? If so, then he would give you, the warlords and the rest of the captains and crews the freedom to come and go as they please." Nu countered firmly, she then grinned at Krogan and shrugged. "Instead he keeps you here, denying you to hunt for a prize or to come and go as you please. Darius Bludvist has enslaved you all." Approaching the Conquerers quarter master, Nu placed a hand on Krogan's crimson, reptilian scaled breast plate. "Harper Haddock sent word to us via carrier owl that he and the pirates of Dragon's Edge are now allied with the maroon queen Red Death of Sharks-lane Isle. We have millions of former slaves to aid in this fight, Captain Sinbad of the Chimera and his crew are en route to China to enlist the aid of Ching Shih and the Red Sail Fleet. If we can convince Darius to join us--"

"He won't." Krogan interrupted, looking into Nu's eyes, Krogan shook his head and repeated. "He won't join this fight." Nu nodded and then spat out. "Why is he so afraid of joining this fight? Hmm? Is it the fear of losing ships? Men? Resources? Wealth? You're closest to the man, he must disclose information to you, does he not?" Krogan nodded in confirmation, licking his lips, he then replied back. "He wants no part of this war because he's..." Letting out a heavy sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose, Krogan concluded his sentence. "... because he's hellbent on living the rest of his days in peace."

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