Chapter 11: Leaving the Edge

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(Normal pov)

Commodore Preston Black was on the deck of his flagship, the Nightmare, which was spearheading the British fleet towards the pirate settlement known as Dragon's Edge. The man removed his hat and wig, revealing his spiky black hair which glistened in the sunlight, he had hazel eyes and had tan yet pale skin. The British commodore had lost his one and only daughter to pirates when the girl was only eighteen years old, she was traveling from England to the Carolina Colonies, unfortunately the ship Preston's daughter was traveling on was set upon by pirates and they plundered the ship clean of anything valuable and killed anyone who was of no worth to them.

After receiving word of his daughters death at the hands of pirates? Preston Black swore to himself if he could get a chance to kill pirates for not only King George's name, but in the name of his daughters too? He'd take that chance. Today, Commodore Black was finally getting his chance to kill as many pirates as he could, without compassion or mercy.

"Commodore! Orders?"

Turning to his leftenant, Preston nodded firmly and gestured towards Dragon's Edge opening. "Signal the fleet to spread out, to ensure none of those vile animals don't flee the ends they deserve." Preston's leftenant bowed his head and relayed orders to the crew of the Nightmare and proceeded to signal the rest of the British fleet to get into position.

As the Nightmare was moving straight for the pirate settlement, one of the commodore's men barked out. "Commodore Black! Sails behind us!" Turning around, Preston pulled out his own telescope and looked out towards the horizon, he snorted lightly and smiled as the sails were British colors and held Vaughn Grimborn's bloody fist emblem on the sails. "Glad you can join the carnage that is about to ensure Grimborn." The commodore murmured to himself, he then lowered his telescope and barked back to the man who spotted the friendly ships. "Worry not! They're Vaughn Grimborn's men! Back to your station." The man nodded and returned to his station, Preston then looked ahead of him and spotted pirate harbor patrol sloops sailing straight for them.

Scoffing lightly at the sight, Preston then looked down at his gun crews. "Open the gun ports, ready the guns and fire on my command." The gun crews nodded and got to work loading the guns, Preston once more looked towards the incoming pirate sloops and was trying to figure out what it was they were up to.

"Those sloops clearly don't have the firepower to put a dent on my warships, so what is it that they're up to?" Preston murmured to himself, once more pulling out his telescope, he aimed the glass towards the nearest sloop and to his confusion, he saw the deck of the sloop empty; not a signal soul on board. "Something here is amiss." He murmured to himself once more as he was about to give new orders, cannon fire reached the British commodore's ear, as well as explosions.

Quickly turning around, Preston watched in shock, disbelief and horror as three of his ships from the rear went up in smoke and began to sink. Now realizing what it is that going on, Preston barked out orders for his men to shoot down those incoming sloops, they were bombs and as soon as they'd make contact with one of their ships? It'd send them to a watery grave and cripple a significant amount of His Majesty's navy.

As the Nightmare opened fired on the incoming pirate sloops, Preston's anger shot through the roof as his guns completely missed the small ships, they were expecting to fight pirate warships, not engage sloops. "Aim for the water line you fools! AIM FOR THE WATER LINE!!!" Preston roared out, the gun crews quickly got to work in aiming their guns towards the waterline and to ensure their shots hit the sloops before they made contact with any of the British ships.

While the commodore's ships were focussing on destroying the pirate sloops, they were completely unaware of the sloops crews were underwater and making their way to board the British ships and to somehow clear a path for the rest of the crews anchored at the Edge's bay to escape. These pirates were led by Nu Stormheart, captain of the Tempest, she and her quarter master Harald Forkbeard command one of the largest ships and crews at Dragon's Edge, and they stood as some of the Edge's most deadliest pirates.

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