Chapter 8: Fight for control

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(Madison's pov)

We all watched as two men were loading flintlocks for Harper and Darius to use, but as the two combatants stared each other down, I could already feel my heart racing anxiously in my chest. Though I haven't seen Darius Bludvist fight up close, I have heard the stories of his ferocity in battle and they weren't to be taken lightly what so ever.

"What happens if he loses?"

Turning to my left, I lay eyes on the newest member of my crew, a young woman named Mary. She had auburn hair like Harper, her eyes were piercing blue, she had light freckles on her cheeks and her hair was done in a braid which rested over her right shoulder. Mary was once a slave holder in the Boston colonies, but she told myself and my crew that she could not stomach the thought or idea of selling innocent people to be purchased to the highest bidder, only to watch those African people being ripped away from their loved ones and their freedom. So Mary not only turned her back from the slave trade, but she also managed to free the slaves who resided in her family estate, the total of slaves she freed were over five thousand.

"If he loses... then Darius may in fact kill him. If that is the case? Then he may offer us a chance to join his regime." I said, answering her question. Mary then placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to look her in the eyes and to see her giving me a reassuring smile. "I'm sure Harper will pull through. We've all heard the stories about he's strong in fight." Nodding in agreement, I then turn back to Harper and Darius and add. "True. However, Darius has been a pirate long since Harper's birth. He's sailed with hardened men who taught him how to be strong, ruthless and fearless. This is a challenge that will test Harper's strength and fortitude."

Mary then glances towards the Harper and Darius and hums in agreement with me. "Very little men have the fortitude to even challenge Darius for... anything. The fact that Harper challenged one of the most legendary pirates in our world for control of his regime shows that Harper has great fortitude." That was a valid point, those under Bludvist's command, his own warlords have dared not challenge their head captain for direct command. Now that Harper has made the challenge? I fear that Darius will not take this lightly and well in fact make an example to men that those who dare question his command will suffer the same fate for whatever will happen to Harper.

Should he lose.

"If Harper wins however, what will become of Bludvist?" Mary asked, that was a good question indeed. Darius has been in a position of power for years now and to just lose everything he's built and amassed? It would certainly lead to a catastrophic fallout. "I don't know." Was my answer to Mary's question. "But if he does lose? He'll either die or have no choice to renounce his fleet, men and resources to Harper." I added, causing Mary to nod in understanding, we then turn our attention back towards Harper and Darius as the fight was now officially beginning.

(Harper's pov)

Darius and I stared each other down while the pirates under Bludvist's command were all gathered to bare witness to this fight, though they did keep in mind to give the two of us enough room to fight on the sand. Krogan then approached us and spoke. "This is a matter of honor to be settled once and for good in the here and now. The parties of agreed to combat and have accepted common practice." That being said, Krogan stepped aside as we were given flintlocks, we then turned our backs to each other and walked a good distance away so that the first stage of the fight was to be completed.

I took deep breaths to calm my racing nerves, I would rather not kill Darius, because he would be a welcome addition to the fight against our enemies, not only that but despite his brute strength and ferocious reputation, he has managed to lead this regime of pirates for decades. And his expertise in knowing how to deal with them would be extremely useful. However, if I do manage to defeat him, he will not take defeat lightly and may attempt to kill me to ensure I don't strip away his power.

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