Chapter 9: Fleeing Haiti

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(Normal pov)

Panic surged through the pirates; each and every one of them. All it took was the sound of the bells ringing to forget all about the fight between Harper and Darius, to then turn their attention to the ocean that engulfed Haiti. Harper, who slowly got back on his feet could manage a squint; looking out over the fleet of pirate ships anchored in the bay to see the multiple black specs at sea. Harper took out a telescope and looked further out to sea. He could see the fleet of pirate hunters heading right their way.

"Battle stations, now men!" Darius's roar seemed to cut through the chaos like a fresh blade, and snapped the pirates into battle mode.

Everyone rushed to the longboats and rowed to their ships so that the British hunters wouldn't obliterate their fleet. While Darius's men rushed to action, the head captain himself turned back to Harper and approached him. Lowering his telescope, Harper tensed slightly as Darius now stood in front of him. "If we hope to survive this? We'll need all the help we can get. Yours and her friends included." Harper nodded in acknowledgment and then raised an eyebrow in question. "So does this mean you'll join our efforts?" Harper asked, Darius grunted and shrugged. "If I survive this battle? I will let you know. Oh... and try not to get yourself killed." Darius then turned his back to Harper and sprinted towards Krogan and the two men made their way towards the nearest longboat as they pirates on board that dinghy rowed straight towards his monster of a ship.


The voice was only just audible over Darius's men stampeding their way to collect their weapons, arm themselves and then racing towards a longboat to man their ships. Harper whipped his head to face Madison and their combined vanguard, just as she ran up towards him. "He sure did do a number on you. Are you able to fight?" Madison asked with a worried tone, Harper smiled lightly at the tall pixie hair blond and nodded. "I am. Right now we need to get back on our longboats and man our ships for battle."

"Agreed. Stay safe." Madison said, Harper hummed in acknowledgment and shot back. "You too." That being said, Madison and her vanguard raced back towards their longboat.

Turning to his own vanguard, Harper and his group raced back to their longboat and pushed into the water before rowing back to the Night Fury with upmost haste. Flint pulled out his own telescope and aimed it towards the horizon to see if the enemy fleet were getting into attack formation.

Suddenly, then sounds of cannon fire were heard as the incoming fire hit the water line where Darius's fleet was just now getting under way. Harper pulled out his own telescope to lay eyes on a massive hunter ship that was armed to the teeth and was unleashing heavy, long range cannon fire.


Enemy cannon fire whistled by and hit several of Darius's ships nearby; causing debris and men to rain down on top of those still reaching their ships. Harper lowered his telescope to see his ship returning fire, thanks to the triple guns up front, not only that but they were long range as well.

Managing to make it back to the Night Fury, Harper and his vanguard climbed up the ship and found the rest of the crew up and about loading the cannons and steering the ship toward the Protector.

Harper immediately sought out Tau, he found his African quarter master steering ship until the Night Fury was sailing beside the Protector. Turning around, Harper then noticed the Conquerer making its way to open water while the rest of Darius fleet was right behind him.

"Captain! The hunter fleet is splitting up!" Tau barked out, making his way towards his quarter master, Harper took out his telescope once more and indeed see the enemy fleet splitting up.

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