Chapter 18: Cutting off the serpents head

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(Normal pov)

Sean Jorgenson and Timothy Thorston were engaged in a heavy drinking competition that resulted in both men to pass out in a drunken stupor, witnessing such foolishness, the crew of the Night Fury roared with laughter as they saw their companions were knocked out cold due to the alcohol they had chugged down. Rachel Thorston too was cackling at the sight of the ridiculousness her brother and fellow crew mate were indulging in, as the female twin looked out towards the horizon, she squinted her eyes and then proceeded to pull out a telescope and see what it was she was seeing. 

"OI! Ship approaching this way!!"

 Rachel barked out, the crew ceased their laughter and raced to the rails of the Night Fury, Flint Ingerman and Eli Eretson approached Rachel and they too took out their own telescopes to try and identify the ship approaching them. "Do any of you boys recognize that ship?" Rachel asked, Flint lowered his telescope and hummed in confirmation. "It bears Captain Johann's colors." Eli snorted lightly, lowered his telescope and turned to Ingerman. "I'm surprised that little man has the balls to take up arms in this war of ours." 

"Indeed." Flint murmured, he then turned to the nearest man and spoke firmly. "Fetch the captain, he needs to see this." Once that man raced to Harper's quarters, Flint turned back towards the horizon and spoke out loud. "I thought Johann held resentment towards Harper, because of a disagreement in splitting a valuable prize. Has that man finally gotten over that and decided to avenge his fellow brethren who were hung in London?" Eli and Rachel however were silent, they heard Flint, but what was happening right now didn't add up. 

"Something's not right here." Eli murmured, the bulky pirate stroked his tattooed chin and turned back to Flint. "We were all there the last time Harper and Johann were face to face, it got very ugly and the two of them nearly killed each other. Harper stood as the victor and spared Johann, allowed the man and his crew to sail away with their lives..." Shaking his head, Eli concluded. "...why is he really here?" 

"Why who's here?"

Flint, Eli and Rachel turned around to see Harper, the young pirate captain ran a hand through his auburn hair and approached his vanguard members. Eli handed Harper his telescope. "Straight ahead." Harper opened the telescope and looked out towards the horizon, he then scoffed lightly at the sight. "Johann. Why's he here?" Eli snorted lightly and replied. "That's what I want to know." Rachel turned to Harper and raised an eyebrow at him. "What're your thoughts?" Harper handed Eli's telescope back to him and shook his head. "Well, I know for a fact that Johann isn't here to join us. But who knows." Harper then addressed the three members of his vanguard firmly. "Ready the men. Johann's ship will weigh anchor alongside us, and when he does? Be ready for anything." The three pirates nodded at their captain and relayed  Harper's orders to the rest of the men. Looking back out towards the horizon, Harper narrowed his eyes at Johann's ship and murmured out. 

"What're you up to old man?"

(Thirty minutes later)

Johann and a handful of his men touched down on the Night Fury's railings and the now pirate hunters laid eyes on the crew of the Night Fury, all of the men and women under Harper's command had weapons in hand; ready for any sign of aggression towards themselves or towards their captain. Harper himself was seated in a chair on the deck of his ship, there also stood a table and another chair for Johann once he began to descend down the railings stairs that led towards the deck of the Night Fury. 

Once touching down on the deck, Johann approached the empty chair and seated himself on it, for almost three minutes, thick tension filled the air and nobody spoke a word. Finally, Harper rose an eyebrow of suspicion towards Johann and got straight to the point. "Why're you here?" Johann stroked his beard and shrugged. "I'm here to resist British rule in the West Indies. I'm here to avenge the deaths of my fallen brothers and sisters who were hung in London and I'm here to join your cause." Harper snickered lightly and then shook his head slowly. "Are you?" He asked, leaning forward slightly, the young pirate captain asked again. "I'll ask you again..." Harper pulled out a flintlock pistol and rested it on the table. "...why're you here?"

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