10. Bangkok's Love Affair

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• Mature content/S&M/ Sex
Which is not suitable for very young readers. It's up to you if you will ask your parents before you read this, but if you're younger than 16, skip this chapter! Enjoy your innocence guys!

• in this story, Nong Bas is a GIRL!
(in case you've forgotten) LoL!

(TEe PoV)

It was 4:30 in the morning when P'Tae & I arrived in Bangkok. He booked a flight few days ago after I asked him to take me here to find my boyfriend, Godt. It's not easy for me to convince him, especially if we're going to talk about my pregnancy, since it's not advisable for a pregnant person to take a flight in his/her first trimester, or rather, you'll need to consult your OB first if you have a plan to leave the country or any travel plans that you'd like to make.

Fortunately, my OB, Phi Lam, gave me a go signal and advice me a lot of things that I need to avoid, to have a healthy and safe pregnancy while I'm here in Bangkok. But Ofcourse, I'm not worried about my safety, cause my Best Friend is here with me.

Tae, "are you okay?" See? He's checking me out from time to time, asking me whether I'm tired or sleepy etc. "Give it here, I'll carry your bag, don't walk too fast, slow down."


Thana, "Alright, thanks Phi." Such a sweet guy you are!

Tae, "you're welcome." Then he pinched my cheek! Hmp! Do I look like a baby to you or what?

Thana, "I heard that it's always Hot & Humid in Bangkok, but I didn't know that it's this superb."

Tae, "yeah, sorry about that, but don't worry, I already asked my company driver to pick us up and, my place is air-conditioned so, you'll be comfortable to stay there, so don't worry, okay?"

Thana, "who says that I'm worried? Besides, I'm the one who begged to come here so rest assured that I already prepared myself to this."

Tae, "Alright, let's go!"

Then he reached out his hand to hold mine.

Thana, "uhn!"

If you're one of those stranger walking in the airport, pretty sure, you'll think of him as an ideal husband, walking hand in hand with his pregnant wife. But in reality, I'm just a pregnant friend of his who came to Bangkok to search for the daddy of this growing bundle of joy inside me.

Bundle of Joy..

Yes it is. I'm not a woman, and I can't even say that I'm a man either, but, I know that there's a lot of people out there, wishing to be as lucky as I am, to be capable of carrying a child even if, in fact, I'm not Normal, just like the rest of us. And yet, I was given this wonderful blessing to be pregnant and to have a chance to give birth to my own baby.

Tae, "Are you hungry?"

Thana, "No, I'm good, thanks."

Tae, "okay, just tell me if you need anything, okay?"

Thana, "uhn." Right! With that beautiful smile, I know that I already have an assurance that everything will be alright.

(Tae's POV)

I wonder what she's thinking about..

She's been quiet ever since we left Chiang Mai. I hope she's not thinking that she's not welcome here, I mean, it's not as if I owned the whole city, but, aside from thinking about his boyfriend, I hope that we can have a good time together, no, I just want her to be happy while she's staying with me, that's all.

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