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when autumn woke up she felt like she had just laid down. she threw her hair up into a bun and changed out of her clothes and put on sleeping shorts and a baggy rugged led zeppelin tee shirt. autumn plugged her phone into her speakers and downed the five hour energy that she picked up from the grocery store. she pulled the cookie dough out of the fridge and flouring her marble island. she rolled out the dough and then formed it into little balls, singing my favorite part by mac miller.

"you just don't know how beautiful you are and baby that's my favorite part." autumn sang moving her hips along to the music. as the blonde girl was putting the balls onto the cookie sheet she realized she forgot to put any spray onto the sheet. she moved around her kitchen trying to find the spray that she normally kept in the cupboards. she checked all of her cabinets and didn't find anything even though she swore she had picked some up at the store.

autumn: hi lana it's autumn from aroma mocha. if you were still next door i was wondering if you guys had any cooking spray i could borrow for a minute

lana: hi autumn! i'm pretty sure we do have some
lana: do you want me to bring it over?

autumn: sure if u want to
autumn: thanks lana i appreciate it

autumn went to her phone and turned down the volume and by that time lana was knocking at the door.

"it's open!" she called out.

"hey." lana said coming in drawing out the y.

"hi." autumn responded copying lana and drawing out the i.

"what's up girl?" lana asked sitting on one of the stools by the island so she was across from autumn.

"nothing much. i make cookies every year for the shop and i ran out of cooking spray so i really appreciate you bringing some over." she told lana spraying the sheet and then putting the cookies back.

"ooh let me try some."

"i will when i get done. so what's up with you?"

"not a lot. i think the guys are thinking about moving out so me and dom have been looking at apartments."

"oh that's cool. have you guys found anything?"

"we found this one apartment about thirty minutes from here but i think they still have around a year until their lease is up."

"oh shit i forgot about the lease. shits expensive up here." autumn said finishing balling up the sugar cookies and putting them on the sheet.

"i swear. i think that's another reason why they are moving the rent is so fucking high."

"shit tell me about it. i'm either gonna have to move or get another job. how long have you and dom been together?" autumn said changing the subject.

"ah shit. uhhh. two and a half years."

"damn girl. that's longer than all of my relationships combined." she laughed out and then ate a piece of a snickerdoodle.

     "well you got your eyes on any one."

     "i- well. there is this one guy who i think is really cute but we don't really talk that much. but i would like to get closer to him." she told her putting both of the cookie sheets into the oven and setting a twenty minute timer. "are you doing anything for christmas?"

     "i'm either going back to my hometown or i'm spending it here. what about you?"

     "i think my brother is coming down next week and then we are gonna go up to new york and spend time with my family. i haven't been up there in a few years so it will be good to see everyone ya know."

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