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      "hey, so that was daniel that just called. he said some girls looking for me so i have to go. i love you." autumn said jumping down from michelle's counter where she was eating grapes.

"okay, be safe. i love you too. tell daniel i said hi."

"will do. thank you for doing my nails." she referred to her newly painted black acrylics. a few years ago michelle had taken up the hobby of doing acrylics and had gotten good at them and offered to autumns nails.

      autumn walked out of michelle's flat and went into her car. the stereo connecting to her phone and picking up where it had left off which was cold blood by bruno major. it didn't take long for the brunette haired girl to make it to her house where she saw a fit blonde haired girl stand against her porch with the bitchiest face she could muster. it didn't take autumn long to figure out that the stranger standing at her door was anna.

"what... are you doing here?"

      "stay away from ciarán." anna had snapped at autumn taking her by surprise. "you heard me." she had added when she saw autumns confused face.

     "first of all, you don't know anything about me or anything involving ciarán and i. second of all, i don't know who the hell you think you are talking to; coming up to my door looking for me just to mouth off to me. mind your fucking business and get the fuck off my lawn." autumn had said slowly walking up from her car to where anna was standing at, which was at her door.

      "you don't own me. you can't tell me what to do i'm a grown woman." anna said standing her ground puffing out her chest to seem as tall as autumn.

     "thank fucking god i don't." autumn had meanly chuckled. "but, this is the house that i am renting and where i live so unless you want to pay me this months rent. get. the. fuck. out of. my face. and off. of my. fucking. porch." autumn had said slowly and lowly. when anna turned around and marched off her porch and back over to the brockhampton house autumn couldn't help but think who the hell she thought she was. there was nothing going on between her and ciarán and to top it off anna didn't have any right to just come up to her house to tell her some elementary bullshit.

      "who was that?" daniel asked his fuming sister when she walked through her threshold, slamming the door.

      "no one with any fucking importance in my life." she said going up to her room to cool off.

ci👀: the hell did you say to anna?

auts🍂: pardon me?

ci👀: she came in crying her fucking eyes out saying something about you telling her to stay away from me?? i'm not something or someone you can control autumn

auts🍂: ciarán i didnt fucking say that.
auts🍂: she came pounding on MY door looking for ME
auts🍂: i wasn't even fucking home my brother had to call me and tell me some crazy bitch is looking for me
auts🍂: actually i'm shocked you would think i would do that

ci👀: well it's not like i fucking know you
ci👀: and she's not some crazy bitch she's actually really sweet and nice if you didn't act like such a bitch to her you might know that

auts🍂: oh that's rich
auts🍂: see because from everyone else i've talked to they all the say the same damn thing about how she's annoying as shit and has all yall fooled
auts🍂: and i dont fucking know you either
auts🍂: but i know that you wouldn't say anything like that to one of my friends for no fucking reason

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