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tuesday was surprisingly slow. normally monday's, tuesday's, and friday's were their busiest days.

she had realized that she liked waking up before her alarm and watching the sunrise. it was very peaceful. and even though she was insanely tired monday there was a sense of calm over her through the whole day.

she expected her neighbors to come to aroma mocha. at least one of them came every day. it was a routine that had been going on since before she had started working there.

one person she was not expecting to see was dominic fike.

sleep on the floor by the lumineers softly played in the background. the leaves on the pavement outside and a slight chill sweeping in the coffee shop whenever the door was opened gave the coffee shop a calm atmosphere. autumn closed her book, setting it under the counter.

"hi. welcome to aroma mocha. how may i help you today?" autumn greeted her usual greeting not looking up until the last sentence.

"hey autumn." dom said coming up to the counter and setting his hands on it.

"hi dom. what would you like today?" she sweetly asked.

"just a plain black cup is fine. but i came here to ask you a question."

"and what might that be?" she asked picking up a cup and starting on his order.

"would you like to go on a date with me? tomorrow?" he asked a shy smile running across his face. autumn was taken aback for a second.

      "i-uh. sure. yes. i would love to." she smiled, surprising dominic.

     "great!" a grin ran across his face, "i'll pick you up at eight?"

     "yeah. what should i wear?" she asked handing the hot cup over to dom.

       "casual? i guess. what you normally wear is fine." he said. a smile forming on autumns face when their fingers brushed together when she passed the cup off. dom smiled at her once more before walking out of the shop taking a sip of his coffee.

     "so some one has a date." steven said bumping his hip with autumns. steven was the person autumn was closest to out of her co workers. he had trained her and befriended her when she first started working there. he was very laid back and funny. carefree. he didn't care about anyone's opinions of him and he did whatever he liked, for the most part.

      "oh shut up." autumn playfully laughed grabbing a wash cloth and wiping off the tables.

     "it's true though."

     "yes, it is true." she chuckled again; moving to a different table.

     "so what's his name? how'd you meet?" steven asked grabbing a broom and a dust pan.

      "well aren't you just full of questions. his name is dominic and we met at a friends house. we went to a club friday and hung out nearly the whole time."

     "he's cute."

     "i'm aware." she laughed grabbing a box of books and brining it to the book shelf. a new shipment of books came in and it was autumns job to handle all of the books. autumn was flipping through the description of the books when steven had piped up.

"speaking of cute people, boo number two is coming in." steven said brushing past autumn.

     "dude, we stopped talking about cute people like twenty-" she was confused on who he was talking about until she heard the nasally voice belonging to anna. she paused her sentence and groaned, not in the mood for her antics today.

𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 - 𝒄𝒊𝒂́𝒓𝒂𝒏 𝒎𝒄𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒅Where stories live. Discover now