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      the following week autumn hadn't done a lot. she went to work, baked some more cookies, told her boss that she was going to be taking a weeks long vacation, and hung out with her friends twice. it was now friday and autumn knew that daniel was coming down today and she had to start packing for her trip.

the brown haired girl hadn't seen ciarán since wednesday when he came in to aroma mocha with a girl, zuri, and russell.

autumn went into work at seven, greeting her coworkers- bree, steven, and josh, and had started making her coffee. she took the few people who came in orders and continued on training the new employee, josh. josh was hired last friday when autumn was out and it was her job to train him. she guided him through how to make the coffees and to clean all the appliances. it wasn't that hard but, sometimes he still had trouble. while autumn and steven were in the middle of talking, her friends plus another stranger had came in.

"hi guys!" she said joyfully. happy to see her friends.

"hi autumn." zuri and russell has greeted her back; while ciarán and the unknown girl were too busy invested in their conversation.

"the normal?"

"yes, please." the couple both said. autumn took out the cups and wrote the order on them handing them off to steven.

"ciarán?" she politely asked needing his order.

"huh?" he asked finally breaking away from the girl.

"what would you like?"

"the hazelnut iced coffee."

"cream and sugar?" she asked writing it down on his cup as he nodded. "and you?"

"do you think i'll like it?" the girl whispered up at him giving him doe eyes.


"i'll just have a caramel iced coffee no cream."

"okay. what's your name hun?"

"anna." the unknown girl almost snapped at autumn.

autumn and steven got to working on the customers drinks. russell, ciarán, and anna were all seated in a booth while zuri was standing at the counter making conversation with autumn. autumn glanced over at the group; seeing anna squished up against ciarán, but not paying any attention to him.

"today is going to be a long day." zuri stated rubbing her temples.

"why do you say that?" autumn lightly chuckled.

"anna." she lightly groaned not wanting to catch the attention of the aforementioned girl.

"why do you say that?"

"she's annoying as hell. she's bitchy to all of us girls and acts all innocent to all of the guys. and we have tried bringing it up to ciarán but he just doesn't believe us. he thinks she's a perfect little princess."

"are they like.... together?"

"it's complicated. on and off. they are on until anna does something stupid like cheating on him and then they become off until she weasels her way back into him."

"she's cheated on him?" she asked handing zuri her drink.

"yeah, once not too long ago. i think ciarán is in denial though. it's like blatantly obvious she had and he just denies it and says that like she wouldn't do that."

𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 - 𝒄𝒊𝒂́𝒓𝒂𝒏 𝒎𝒄𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒅Where stories live. Discover now