The Nightmare Begins

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{Universal P.O.V}

We gather around the T.V screen. The reapings tomorrow and I'm scarred. The Capitol announcer Mikara Mallor, who makes the arena annoucements sits on a red loveseat with Hazel Bellon the interviewer and last years victor, District 1's very own Nate Kingsly. They're talking about tomorrow. In a matter of weeks the Capitol will have killed another twenty three kids. For all I know one could be me.

I'd never watch them analyze about the Games. Sadly, I'm being forced to right now.

"So Nate looks like you'll be a mentor this year..." Hazel starts.

"Great actually, I'd watch out for this years District 1 tributes!" He's says pointing at the crowd.

"As you know the next Quarter Quell's rapidly approaching are you excited?" 

"Of course, I hope to mentor again next year, it's pretty hard to get the job though. This Quell should be exciting I can't wait till next year! This year should be great though 1,999 should be a special year"

"We love you Nate!" Some crazed Capitol people shout from the crowd. My family groans. The interview goes on until finally I decide to go up to bed. No one stops me. Who would? The reaping's tomorrow morning.

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