The Games Day 3

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Isabel Stern P.O.V

"Ririi!" I scream. The mutts are a mixture of wolf and cat. With long claws, black fur, and catlike eyes. They're big and muscular. Built to kill.

I stab my spear into he back of the first one. Valista's clawing at three with those nails of hers. And finally Ririi's taking out mutts with her arrows. She looks ok, minus a nasty looking gash on her leg.

Another mutt jumps up and takes Valista off her feet.

"Valista!" I lunge foreword and stab the mutt in the neck right before it can claw out Valista's throat.

"Thanks." Valista says and we charge towards Ririi. There's still seven mutts left and they've surrounded us. Not good.

"What are we gonna do?" Valista whispers to me.

"Don't get taken down!" The mutts charge in just as my sentence escapes my lips. I hold my spear calm and steady, though I'm screaming inside.

I twist and claw and stab, doing every training move I've ever learned. It's still not enough. I've only taken down three mutts, Valista's killed one too. One advances on Ririi and head butts her into a nearby tree.

"Kill it!" I scream to Valista who follows my order and sprints off. Now it's me versus the final two mutts. I shoot the quickest glance towards Ririi and Valista. Ririi's not moving. This doesn't look good.

I scream at the top of my lungs and charge the mutts. How dare they kill, or injure my ally! I'll kill them all! It's suddenly like I'm on an adrenaline rush, that is, until I hear the cannon fire.

Valista Plauntina P.O.V

"Please try to win." Ririi tells me. The second she hit the tree I knew she was a goner. I'm surprised she wasn't killed instantly by the amount of force. I hate how she has to feel that kind of pain.

"I'll try, but I wanted you with me." I sob. She plants a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I'll always be with you. The great Valista Plauntina will always strike again."

"Oh Ririi why do they do this to us!" I don't get an answer. Her cannon fires. The hovercraft will soon come to collect her body. I smooth out Ririi hair and pull down her jacket just enough to see her golden bangle.

She didn't deserve to die...

Katelyn May P.O.V

The cannon fires. Another person dead and it wasn't at my hand! I punch down a crate of apples. Xeno shoots me a pissed off glance, probably because I never clean up anything I destroy at camp.

"What's up now general?" Finn asks.

"Another one dead and we're not responsible!"

"We could use some more kills, lets wait till tonight to hunt. It'll be hard to find everyone now that someone's dead. They probably think we did it and will be hiding all day." I make a sour face but sadly he's right.

"Well, I guess we should clean up this place."

"You mean you're actually gonna help?"

"No! Get to work!"

Finn Conch P.O.V

"Done, I'm going fishing, get us something good for tonight." I say. I've spent the past hour with everyone, minus Katelyn cleaning up camp. Oh the fun!

"Just be back in case we get robbed again!" Odin jokes. Everyone but Maddox and Sparkle laugh. I grab the fishing gear and two tridents, just in case I'm attacked.

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