The Games Day 6

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Melina Burns P.O.V

"Score!" I say, opening my pack. Our feast plan was textbook amazing and totally worked. Now we have our packs and a good amount of food.

"Not to mention you got Odin good, he'll be lucky to live through today." Tate says.

"That's good." I say and open my pack. Inside's a heavy duty jacket. It's super warm, and will protect me a lot better during a cold night. There's also a flashlight, a large pot of broth, a compass, and two new axes. Pretty good.

"What you get?" I ask Tate.

"Some spearheads, a couple knives, a pair of gloves, and a coat." She says, pulling out the same coat that I have.

"Do you think everyone got this?"

"I don't know, probably not the Careers." Tate says. Good point. They've got plenty of tents and heavy duty jackets to keep warm.

"What's our plan for today?" I ask.

"I don't know, I'm gonna rest up. Hopefully the audience is satisfied with Rosalie's death and will leave us alone for a couple hours." Tate says.

"Yeah, that's a pretty good idea." I say. Since we've been the arena I've gotten next to know rest.

"Plus, with Odin and Xeno on deaths doorstep we've kept the audience quite satisfied." Tate adds. Truue, I wonder how they're doing.

Odin En P.O.V

"Kaytelyn, please help me." I beg. I need to win, stay alive. Hopefully she'll help me. Damn that girl from 7. Why did that of all things have to happen?

"Fine, I'll help you." Katelyn says. I can tell she doesn't sound too happy about it. I grab onto her hand. "What happened anyways?" She asks.

"That girl from 7 hit me in the eye with her axe." I say

"What about that girl from 5? You kill her?"

"No, Sparkle tried some trick and she committed suicide." I explain.

"Did you see Xeno anywhere?" I ask.

"No, not since the alliance ended." She says. Is it just me or did she emphasize the word ended?

"Wonder what happened to him..." I trail off. Suddenly there's a loud clunk. Maybe it's a parachute.

"It's cream for your eye." Katelyn explains. She hands it to me. I rub a thick layer all over my eye. Surprisingly, I'm actually able to open it. Wow. Sadly, my vision's still pretty blurry. It should be fine in a day or so.

"We should hunt down Xeno, he's a huge threat at the moment. I'm almost positive he wasn't at the feast, which is surely a sign that he's doing fine enough that he doesn't need to risk his life. Katelyn nods and we arm ourselves. We eat the remainder of the food that's been left over from the feast and head out towards the mountain. Since that fight on the mountain and the risk of an avalanche most tributes have stayed near the lake. If Xeno was near the lake he probably would've ran into another tribute. That leaves the mountain area.

Hopefully we can find him...

Sparkle Gold P.O.V

"Seriously?" Tiffany says in the middle of a fit of laughter. I'm telling her the story of Rosalie's death for the third time, with imitations. The result is hilarious. I'll be famous for the Fabien imitation.

"But I thought you told me to stay alive!" I shout, imitating Rosalie. Tiffany laughs.


"So, what's our plan for today?" I ask. Tiffany shrugs. In our packs we've recieved heavy duty jackets, a tent, a impressive ten dagger set for me and a pack of spear heads for Tiffany. We've also got a crazy amount of food from the banquet table. We'll be good for awhile.

"Who's left anyway?" Tiffany asks.

"Well, Odin and I, Katelyn and Xeno, that girl from 3, Tate from 4, you, that girl from 7, and the girl from 11. That's eight of us left." I say.

"It feels like we've been in here forever." She complains. I nod. Just yesterday I murdered my cheating boyfriend and alligned with the girl he cheated on me to be with, that seems like forever ago!

"I know." Tiffany agrees.

"What's our plan?" I ask Tiffany.

"Hunting, definitely!" Tiffany confirms. It's one of the reasons I love her. She fierce like a Career.

"Wonder where everyone headed after the feast..." Tiffany trails off.

"I don't know, before most of them were hanging around the lake." I say. It's probably our best bet. I bet a few tributes are hiding out there. We arm ourselves with weapons and a couple packs with food and back up knives.

"It should only take an hour or so to get down there."

"Let's go."

Katelyn May P.O.V

"Damn it!" Odin screams. We've circled the mountain area a couple times over the past three hours. It's obvious Xeno isn't around. I'm still surprised he didn't go to the feast if he ws so close to the Cornucopia.

"Let's head to the lake. Maybe we can hunt down those retards who have our stuff?" I suggest. Odin seriously needs to take a pill!

"He has to be here! Where are you asshole!" Screams Odin.

"Shut it! You're broadcasting our location to anyone who's nearby!" I snap. As strong as he is, I'm seriously regretting taking him back. I have to admit I actually like him. As an ally of course.

"Fine." He says, appearing to come back to his senses. We spend the next couple hours heading back to the lake. I spot a trail of footprints about one hundred meters from the lake. There's two sets beside that one. The mud's hardened, which means this was from at least last night.

"Nice job." Odin says. I nod. Hopefully these three are still around. Maybe we can get some kills today.

That's when I hear a groan. Oh yes, someone's close by...

Xeno Mason P.O.V

Where am I? What's this place. I wake up in the forest. The last thing I remember is lying down on a crisp, cold white sheet and falling asleep. Now I'm here. Where is here? I look down to my ten-year-old body. What the- I'm made of muscle. What happened to me?

"What happened to me?" I scream and punch myself. After another ten or so punches I stop, groaning in pain. I promised myself I'd never train! Now look at me I must've! How old am I anyway? Wow, that's kind of creepy. I don't even know my own age. Am I even me?

"Oh, hey Xeno." Says a girl with dark hair and creepy purple eyes. Who is she? My girlfriend? I'm only ten for crying out loud! And she's a teenager. No, she sounds evil. Like she wants to hurt me.

"Who are you?" I say in a terrified voice.

"Very funny." She says drawing a sharp, deadly looking knife.

"No seriously, where am I? I want to go home!" I say, bursting into tears.

"Very funny Xeno." The girl says.

"Need a recap?" Sneers a guy with a massive scar for one eye, and a swollen mess of another. Who are these people?

"We're about to kill you in the Hunger Games. Ring any bells?" The guy says sarcastically.

"No I told them I'd never volunteer for the Games!" I wail.

"Does he have amnesia or something?" The guy whispers to the girl.

"I don't know, let's kill him quick." She replies. Why? Why am I in the Games? By the looks of my body I'm a volunteer.

"I'll kill him!" The girl says.

"No, it's my turn. I hate him." The guy says.

And then-

Valista Plauntina P.O.V

BOOM! The cannon fires. Another one's dead. Wonder who it is? Hopefully Katelyn. That girl's a physco.

"Wonder who that was." Izzy says. There's still quite a few of us left. Eight to be precise after the latest death.

"It was pretty nearby. We should clear out." Izzy warns. I was just about to say the same thing.

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