District 5 Interviews

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Rosalie Mills P.O.V

"Good luck, you're gonna be amazing!" Fabien says. I twirl around for him. I really like my interview outfit. It's a pale pink and strapless. I'm even wearing high heels, which surprisingly, are not that hard to walk in. Instead of my stunning lighting bolt necklace/district token I'm wearing me gorgeous diamond bow necklace. It looks expensive.

"How do I look?" I ask Fabien. It seems like the guy from 4's interview is going on forever. He's seriously good. The crowd is going nuts.

"Amazing." He says brushing his hand along my face. I have to laugh, my face is covered in makeup. My dark hairs in a loose bun at the top of my head. Ringlets fall around my face.

Finally the guy from 4's interview is over. Now it's my turn.

"Good luck." Fabien says as I walk onstage. There's a cheer from the crowd when I walk onstage. I have to say the pale pink dress looks great on my tanned skin. I even hear a few whistles. Before I know it I'm sitting across from Hazel Bellon. Hazel warms up the audience, and the interview begins.

"So Rosalie, you've had quite the ride here in the capitol, my sources say that you're in a relationship with Fabien Goode of District 9, is that true?" Great, wait to blurt it out to the entire country Hazel! I think to myself. 

"Well, it's true. Fabien's the sweetest guy I've ever met."

"Aww, how sweet!" Hazel says and adresses a couple things to the crowd. I wonder what Todd would think of Fabien. Probably that he's a total wuss and would get beat up at school every day. That's my brother for ya.

"Lets head back to the District 5 reaping, how did you feel when your name was drawn?"

"Honestly, I was seriously scared. It's hard to come back if you're from Distict 5. Still, I'm one person who could make it back. I may look weak but I'm not!"

"Well said. A seven is a pretty good training score, what did you think?"

"Honestly, I could've done better, I had a bit of a screw up so watch out!" I warn the crowd. Hopefully I'm playing this right. Sponcers admire people who are fierce and competitive.

"Well, I can't wait to see what you can do!" Hazel says.

"Final question! If you could've never been in the Games and never known Fabien, or be in the same situation you are in now which would you choose?"

"Wow, this is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to say. I'd rather never have had to be a tribute, but I would die if I'd ever dated any other guy but Fabien." I say. The buzzer rings.

Thank God!

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