Training Day 1

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Sparkle Gold P.O.V

"You nervous?" I ask Odin.

"Nope." He says taking a huge sip of his coffee. We'll both head down to the Training Gym the second Odin finishes his THIRD coffee of the morning.

"Rough night?" Nate asks. He seems to be around a lot, which is quite surprising considering he should be out being mobbed by his millions of Capitol fans.

"Nope, I just love coffee. Besides it's only day one, I can outclass everyone with my eyes closed!" Nate and I snicker. How nice.

I follow Odin down to the Training Gym. It's one of the many underground floors in the massive Remake Centre. Our elevator ride is surprisingly short. We arrive in the waiting room outside the gym in seconds. Katelyn and Xeno are already here. Finn, Tate, and Maddox should arrive shortly.

"So, what's our training plan?" I ask. I pretty much know we'll be spending almost all of our time at weapons, still I want a clear plan.

"We're showing them everything we've got at weapons." Xeno says. By "them" he means the Gamemaker's, they'll be giving us our training scores, they also could kill us. For now they'll be doing the first.

"Great." Odin confirms. Finn, Tate, and Maddox arrive out of the exact same elevator. Finn has become the comic relief of our pack. He's actually pretty funny.

"Look who's right on time as usual!" Finn says in a superior tone. 

"We arrived at the exact same time as you dingdong!" Maddox says laughing. I shoot him a small smile. He returns it happily. I do have a bit of a crush on Maddox, he is gorgeous after all.

"You ready." Maddox whispers to me.

"Yeah, you?"

"Same."  Those are our last words before we enter the gym.

Katelyn May P.O.V

I'm surprised Valista, Isabel, and Ririi actually show up for training. They're probably gonna be pathetic. Probably they'll show off their fire building skills!

"Hey look who just showed up!" I say to Odin. He snickers. We've all decided to do weapons. Survival skills are for the bloodbath tributes. Good tributes need to know how to fight.

"Sad." Odin replies. We still have a couple moments before the trainer and a few of the last tributes arrive. Maybe its time to learn a bit more about my so-called "friend" Odin.

"How did you get that anyway?" I ask. 

"What this?" He says pointing to the scar that runs from his lip right down to the bottom of his cheek. I nod. "Training accident. We were doing one on one combat in my training class. The idiot in my class was losing really badly. After I beat him and got up to shake his hand he lunged at me. I ended up get my eye out, and he ended up dead."

"You killed him?"


"He deserved it." I say, a crisp smile forming on my lips. Like I said, there's no friends in the Games.

Odin En P.O.V

"... Most of you will probably rush to the weapon stations, but I must warn you most of you will die of natural causes." Our trainer (I can't remember her name) says to us. All of us have shown up for our first training session, besides the boy from 10 who thinks he's too good for the Games.

"Like that'll happen." I whisper to Katelyn. She gives me a smug grin. Of all the other tributes I like Katelyn the best. She's definitely the most trustworthy, which is why I told her about my accident. Thankfully she'll have my back. I see Katelyn heading over to the knife station. I'm guessing she knows how to use them. I decide to head to the sword station. I love all weapons.

{When Nightmares Become Reality} The 1,999 Hunger GamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora